XVII-Ancient Sun God

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Meanwhile, Matthew and Burohka were having a hard time fighting. They were like equally matched opponents. But not quite.

"Why can't you just die!?" Burohka exclaims.

"Sorry to disappoint you witchie but, can I quote you on that?" Matthew said trying to agitate her.

"Time to even the odds." Burohka said. "If my wind technique is not enough, then might as well play with fire."

Burohka generated a flame dancing on her right hand, and shot a ball of flame towards Matthew.

Matthew quickly dodged but the flame ball shot exploded on the ground, creating shrapnels of small, sharp and heated stones piercing and tearing his jacket. He even got a flesh wound on his cheek. He fell down lying on the ground with his jacket sizzling from the heat.

"Didn't see that coming did you?" she said cackling.

Matthew grunts and slowly kneeled up. He felt his swollen right arm and left leg like it was pierced by hot knives. "Tikasana oi!" he cursed and hammered his fist on the ground.

Matthew noticed the Ad-lao glowing, but still he couldn't move.

Don't loose hope young one... another male voice spoke inside his mind.

Who are you? Matthew asks.

I am the ancient shine that fills the world with light. The deceased god of the sun... Liadlao.

Why are you helping me? Matthew spoke in his mind. Two aids from ancient gods, how lucky can you get?

Just believe in the Ad-lao, and no weapon and force will ever harm you. The sun god said.

Burohka laughed. "And now to finish the fight," she generated another flame from her hand and powered up the Reaper. It became a flaming chained sickle and she charged towards Matthew for a final strike.

As Burohka was closing in, he extends his arm as his bangle flashed and a barrier was generated infront of him, preventing the flaming Reaper from reaching its target.

"What!" Burohka exclaims.

Matthew looks at the bangle. "The Ad-lao saved me," he said.

"Another aid from an ancient?" Burohka exclaims and starts to complain.

The god Liadlao continued speaking in Matthew's mind. The last aid shall reveal the star child. The power of destruction shall give suffering to those who are powerless to stop it. Remember these words, ...Half-mortal. Then the voice disappeared. Matthew was still

weak to move.

Burohka was furious that she aimed for another strike which Matthew would surely suffer.

"Curse you-" then suddenly an arrowhead

poped out from Burohka's chest before she could strike, someone hit her from behind. It was a bronze arrow.

And another one hit her that made her drop the Reaper. The flame extinguished and Burohka fell down on her knees. Coughing out blood, still smiling.

"You... are one lucky... boy..." she stammered and fell down with two bronze arrows visibly stuck on her back.

Matthew watched Burohka's coarpse, as it got reduced into ashes, leaving the hankys and the arrows standing, and saw Scarlet on a distance holding her bow. She immediately went to help Matthew get up.

"Can you walk?" she asked. "...your cheek-" she notices.

"-don't worry about it," he said. It wasn't a serious cut, but it would probably leave an ugly scar.

His good looking days are over, he thought to himself.

"Here," she handed a round marble like candy. "It'll fix everything,"

Matthew studies the candy. "What does this do?"

"Just eat it," she insists.

Matthew didn't argue and ate the candy. Then to his surprise he suddenly felt better. His tired state became energized, and his scratches and wounds are disappearing. He even felt the fleshwound on his cheek closing. He touched his cheek and not even a scar was felt.

"Feeling better?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah, I feel great!" Matthew answered. "But how come a candy like that can do such a fix?"

Scarlet smiles. "Well, I may not be like my twin 'Sis that uses healing powers but, we were once witches and I spent the whole summer developing my skills in magic chemistry."

Matthew frowns, "Is that suppose to be potion making?" he said.

Scarlet smiles, like finally someone cared about her work. "No~" she said. "Bottles are heavy, and messy, and fluids are slicky, sloppy..."

"Alright, alright I get the picture," he interrupts. "But thanks for your help... you also saved me,"

Scarlet picked up the hankies, and slipped it in her pocket. "Don't mention it." she said. "We better go. The others are waiting."

Then suddenly, from Burohka's ashes a pentagonal shaped medallion rised up, glowing.

"Must be another one of the keys," Scarlet presumes and reached for it. "Two down, one to go."

"You already have one of them?" Matthew asks.

"Actually, we got it from Adele's old boyfriend just recently when we finished him off." she said.

Matthew picked up Emil's chain necklace. "You girls are dangerous," he said. "Maybe I should watch myself from any girls at school next time."

Scarlet raised an eyebrow.

"Just kidding," Matthew smiled. "Well we're running out of time," he said. "we need to get the third to deactivate the barrier." And hurriedly they went off.

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