Simon Minter Imagine #11

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**Your POV**
I'm on my way to the Fault In Our Stars premiere in central London and i'm going to met the boys there, well if I get there..
Let me explain : I'm a girl who is wearing heels and who is driving in central London at 8:30pm so it's busy as hell. And it's not helping the fact that I can only just drive in these stupid heels.
And just to top all of that, my phone just died on me so I can't warn Simon that i'm going to be late.
The premiere starts now and i'm about 15 minutes away but with the traffic about 20 minutes.
The guys told me that they we're near the premiere like 10 minutes ago, before my stupid stupid phone died on me.
I can feel myself getting frustrated so i decide to make the most of the situation so I put in my homemade cd with all my favourite songs on it.
Talk to Me by Nick Brewer comes on and I turn it up really loud.
And I also roll all the windows down so that everyone can hear.
I start singing along, well more shouting but hey!
I get alot of looks as I pass the cars slowly.
One dude was totally starring at me so I say "Don't like the song mate?" Whilst grinning and he just tolls his eyes.
I just laugh because i'm finally having some fun.
As I get near the premiere, Years and Years : Breathe came on so I start singing again.
I stop the music as i arrive at the premiere and I get out of my white mini cooper.
I start walking to the starting of the carpet because I had to park my car in the back. As I turn to go to the starting i bump into someone.
"Oh gosh i'm so sorry" I say and i look up to see Simon and all lads with him.
"Oh hi guys! Before you start shouting at me, my phone died on the way here so I couldn't answer" I gave them the puppy dog eyes.
"What's that suppst to be about baby
Go free up ya vibe stop acting crazy
Reminiscing all the good times daily
Try and pull that got me actin shady"
They started singing to me and I went bright red.
"Could you guys hear me?"
"Oh yeah! Everyone on the carpet could! They all turned their heads" Harry laughed.
"For fuck sake! I swear to God that my life is ruined" I mumble.
"Nooo don't worry Beanie" Simon hugs me. We walk to the carpet and well, it was terrifing.
We had to stop to take pictures and all the paparrazzi wanted pictues with just me and Simon.
They we're shouting so many stupid things like "When is the baby arriving Simon?" "Do you guys all have a big orgy on Friday nights?" Like, really!
A lady called me over for an interview so I walked over to her.
"Hi Y/N! How are you doing?"
"Hi! I'm great and you?"
"Good thanks! Now let's talk about your outfit, it's just beautiful darling"
"Aw thank you!"
"Wear is that skirt from? It's amazing"
"I got this jewel from farfetch a couple weeks back" I smiled at her.
"Well I love it! Tell me about Simon?"
"Um well, what eould you like to know?" I ask as glacing at Si quickly.
"How long have you two love birds been together?"
"Soon it will be 2 years"
"Oh yeah, so it's serious?"
"Yes, very"
"Good! I'm happy for you two! Are you exited to see the movie?"
"Well I am because I know that John Green has alot of talent so I have high expectation but I also am a big baby for sad films so not looking forward to the crying"
"I understand! Have you read the book?"
"I bought it then I found out I was going to the premiere so I didn't read it"
"Aha okay! Last quick question, who do you think is dressed the best on this carpet right now?"
"Oohhh umm I have to say Camilla"
"Oh yes, she's over there"
"Her dress is just beautiful"
"I agress! Well, thank you very much for talking to us Y/N. Enjoy the film!"
"No problem! Thank you, bye bye"
I walk away and I pose for a few pics before catching up with Simon.
"How did it go?"
"Great" I smiled at him.
We took our sets and yep, I cried like a big ass baby.
I cried so much that I had to stay a little longer at the end to cool off because I was just so upset.
" aww Bean you are just adorable" Josh says to me whilst rubbing my back.
"Come on let's get home" Simon grabs my hand and we walk out the back entrance so we can grt to the cars easier.

Helloooo! I've noticed that my views have gone up alot so yay!
Hopefully you all like my imagines and don't hesitate to leave a comment on an idea or a request! I can also do preferences if wished.

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