Simon Minter Imagine #12

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"Please stop, please please. I don't want to, just leave me alone! Don't touch me no no no... STOP SIMON STOP! IT HURTS SIMON, YOU'RE HURTING ME STOP!" You cried in your deep sleep and Simon tried to wake you up from your horrid nightmare but he got caught up by the fact that he was raping you in your nightmare. He just sat there starring at you, tears almost falling. He wanted to wake you but he couldn't do it.
You started getting worse. You we're twitching and kicking your legs. Your voice was becoming louder and louder as you screamed in pain. Simon was crying his heart out. The other boys haven't heard you yet, as it was around 3am. Until you pushed one scream that was so disgusting. You weren't just squealing but also crying like crazy. That scream obviously woke the other boys. JJ and Josh we're in the room in matter of seconds. They looked confused as they saw Simon looking at them crying and you on the bed squealing and begging for it to stop whilst dreaming. Josh ran over to you and woke you up as fast as he could. You woke up with a heart beating fast and a sweat covered body.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry" Simon says as he sits there crying his eyes out still.
You had just noticed that the other boys we're in the room also.
"Wha-what happened?" You ask confused.
"You-you we're having a nightmare and well- no I can't" Simon got up and went to the bathroom.
You looked at Josh for some help.
"I think your nightmare was that he was raping you and he's really upset" He says as he sits next to you and rubs your back.
"I'm sure he will be fine"JJ tries to reasure you before leaving after making sure you we're okay. Josh soon follows him.
You lay on your bed as you wait for Simon to come out of the bathroom.
He comes out looking a little better than he did going in.
"Why would you dream of something like that Y/N?" He asks almost crying.
"Oh Si, I really don't know" You say standing up and hugging you.
"You do know that I would never do something like that! EVER" He says looking into your eyes.
"I know Simon, I know" You say kissing him.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore so let's just sleep okay?" You ask nicely whilst grabbing his hand and heading to the bed you shared.
He nodds and wraps his arms around you.

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