Twenty Six - Hospital Visits and Beach Parties

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''''idk if that gif will stay but it's Gabe and i am dyiiinnggg omlll ayyy'''''''

The hospital was oddly crowded. There's only a billion hospitals in Florida, so the town of Macville has its own. I haven't ever come to a hospital to visit someone. Lately, it's been me lying in the bland hospital bed.

The Gordons weren't at my house when I left so I assume they rushed over here to see what's happening with Gabe. It kills me to even think he's fatally injured.

"Alyssa are you sure you want to see him like this? It may not be pretty." Mike stops right in front of me, blocking the visiting desk.

"Positive." I walk around my brother and go straight to the woman scrolling through her computer behind the desk.

"May I help you?" She turns and plasters a forced smile.

"I'm here for Gabe Gordon. He was admitted not too long ago." I lean more on the counter, sensing Mike shift uncomfortably. He doesn't do good in hospitals.

"Are you immediate family?" She raises her eyebrows, glancing between Mike and I. It really pisses me off when they ask that. I know, protocol.

"Do you think we would have known so fast if we weren't? The rest of our family is already in there. They called us." I folded my arms. I'm getting anxious.

"Give me your hands." She reaches under the desk and pulls out these stickers. I put my hand out, as did Mike. The lady put stickers that said 'family visitor' on them before turning back to the computer. "Room 519."

I nod and drag Mike towards the elevators. To be honest, I am extremely nervous. What if his family doesn't want me there? What if he's in surgery?

When the elevators open I step in and press the '5' button. I feel like I may just fall on the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mike grabs me by my arm and hold me up.

"I'm fine. Just nervous I guess." I take a deep breath and stand up straighter.

"I am sure he's fine." Mike scratches the back of his neck and moves away from me. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I look at him funny as the elevator opens to the floor we need. We both walk out and head towards the rooms.

"Aren't you dating Jesse? Why are you worried about Gabe?" He stops walking and looks at me.

I stop too and turn around to face him. "It's complicated. I'm not really dating Jesse." I walk back to the rooms and read each number in my head.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He picks his pace up to be beside me.

"I'll tell you later." I stop in front of room 519 and take a deep breath before knocking and opening the door. Heads turn towards me as Mike and I enter the room.

"Alyssa." Mrs. Gordon stands up from her chair and walks to us. I take note that Mr. Gordon isn't here yet.

"Hello." I look to the bed and see Gabe is, in fact, awake.

"We'll give you two some privacy." Mrs. Gordon takes Gavin's hand and Garrett follows with Mike.

"Gabe." I sit down on the bed and stare into his eyes.

"It's weird that I switched positions with you huh?" He smiles a bit, causing me to chuckle.

"You're an idiot."

"Maybe. But at least I saved you." Gabe smirks.

I roll my eyes and take his hand. "You shouldn't have left me on the road anyways."

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