Thirty Five - Goodbye

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We all get back into the limo, heading to the hotel that we're staying at. It goes by who came with who, so I'm stuck with Tanner. I don't know what to think about that rendezvous earlier with Gabe. I hope with all my heart Katie doesn't find out. I really wish the best for her. I don't know what got to me, maybe it was the seven months away from him that screwed me up.

"Lys, you coming?" Tanner looks down at me with the door open at the hotel.

"Yeah, yeah." I shake my head and get out, following him with everyone else. 

"You spaced out for awhile there." He eyes me.

"I know. I was thinking about stuff." I shrug.

Tanner stops completely in the lobby, pulling me back. "I'm not blind I saw what happened and how Gabe shouldn't have kissed you."

"Tanner, let's not talk about this." I frown and brush past him to get our room key.

"You can't hurt your friend." Tanner pushes further, anger evident in his voice.

"I'm not, okay?" I snap and get our key, rushing into the elevator before Tanner can join me.

I care about Katie and I'm not stupid enough to let Gabe get into my head. I've already gone through heartbreak from him and it's definitely not something I'd like again.

I unlock our door and place my backpack on the chair next to the bed, taking out a pair of pajamas. I go to the bathroom and change before coming back out to Tanner watching TV. My phone vibrates and I open it to see everyone is meeting up in Kendra's suite.

"Tan, everyone is at Kendra's. I'm gonna go. Are you coming?" I slip on a pair of shoes and take a room key.

"No. Also, you better remember what I said earlier." He frowns.

I roll my eyes. "I understand, Tanner."

"Okay. Have fun and be safe. " He smirks as I walk out the door.

I laugh to myself and walk down the hallway until I reach her room number. I cautiously open the door and see everyone in there.

"Hey Lys!" Kendra waves.

I smile and sit down next to her. 

"Can you guys believe we're graduating in 2 days?" Katie smiles and leans her head on Gabe's shoulder.

I bite my lip and grin. "You guys have been great. Thanks for making my senior year memorable, even though some of it did suck."

Everyone laughs and Gabe beams at me. "You have gone through a lot."

"But you went through it like a champ." Kayla smiles warmly.

"I couldn't have done it without you." I smile at her and Kendra.

"Where's Tanner?" Kendra's date frowns at me.

"He wanted to watch TV." I laugh.

"It was nice of him to come and finish his senior year here for you." Katie smiles.

"Yeah, I guess he could tell how much I needed him." I shrug.

"You've been one of my best friends through all of this." Kendra hugs me.

"Mine too." Kayla adds and joins in.

We smile and soon, we're each crying. I pull away and wipe my eyes. "I love you. I think I'm going to turn in, though."

"We haven't even done shots yet." Kendra whined.

"I know and that's why I gotta blast." I grin.

"Party pooper." Kayla rolls her eyes.

I shake my head and walk to the door, waving and silently walking back to my room with Tanner. Just as I'm about to open the door, I feel someone behind me. I whip around to be greeted by Gabe's presence.

"Shouldn't you be with Katie?" I sigh.

"I told her I was going to officially say goodbye to you. This has been a roller coaster from the start, meeting you and having to put up with you this year." He smiles and continues. "From the day I met you, I knew you had a certain spark that needed to be re-lit. You looked sad, as anyone would in your situation. I was upset with my mother for making me deal with you. I thought you would be more work and I didn't know if you were like everyone else. As more and more of my friends went after you, I began to be jealous. When we started to try a relationship, family issues came into play along with Jesse. When you said you loved me at the hospital and I couldn't say it back, I don't know what was running through me. The 7 months you ignored me, opened me up into a new light. I guess I realized I needed to back away. If you love someone, set them free and that's what I'm doing right now." Gabe sighs and kisses my cheek. "Goodbye Alyssa Woods."

I wipe a tear away and smile. "Goodbye Gabe Gordon."

I watch as he walks away, looking at his feet the whole way. I sigh and open the door to Tanner snoring. I laugh and climb in the other bed and shut the light off, a weight lifted from my chest.


Graduation day.

I thought I'd never see the day from the start of high school. The past couple of days have been amazing, we've all hung out and had great times. I still cannot believe how great everything has turned out to be. I'm going to my dream college and I have a baby cousin. I get to go with one of my best friends and my other best friend will be around the corner.

"You ready?" Auntie Laura leans against the doorway of my bedroom with Emma on her hip in a sundress.

"Yeah." I grab my cap and gown, slipping them on over my dress and following Aunt and Uncle to the car.

When we get to school, we find our separate seats. I'm lucky with mine being next to Kayla, but Kendra is farther down the row. A continuous stream of students find their seats and family members are taking their seats.

"I'm glad I met you." Kayla nudges me.

"Me too, Kay." I smile and hug her.

Our principal pulls the microphone and smiles, telling his speech before announcing everyone to get their diplomas. We go up, one by one and return to our seats. "Alyssa Woods, valedictorian, will be giving the final speech."

I stand up and grin as some people hoot and holler as I make my way to the stage.

"Fellow classmates, I know this year went by fast. We had our ups and downs, as everyone does in high school along with life altogether. We were taught life lessons here that we have to keep in mind whilst continuing with our future. There may be people we don't like, there may be people we want but can't have, we just have to remember that not everything is meant to be attainable without a fight. Never give up on your hopes, it's one of things necessary in keeping you going. Thank you for a good year. We just graduated!" I finish as everyone throws their caps in the air. I laugh and make my way down to Kendra and Kayla, engulfing them in a hug.

"Safe some for me!" Tanner comes over and I move to hug him.

"Great speech, sis." Mike smirks and squeezes me.

"Thanks guys. I love you." I laugh and grin at everyone.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go party!" Kendra pulls me and Kayla to the parking lot and I wave for Tanner and Mike to come along.

"Let's have a final night of fun!"

a/n: it's been quite awhile, but it's spring break so i'm catching up on my books. one chapter left! this was my second wattpad book and i have to thank it for how well my writing as come. it's definitely helped me in english :)

much love,


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