Seventeen - Empty Bathroom

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Uh if you don't wanna read the intense scene, ignore the passage in the italics. You can guess what happened when it's over, I'm pretty sure it's obvious. 

School today was even more boring than yesterday. We did more work and were assigned more homework. Gabe moved his seat and Jesse took his old one. Jesse also gave me his number during lunch today so he can text me what time he'll be here for our date. I really hate to be like this but, I don't even like Jesse. He's not someone I'd ideally fall for. I'm only doing this to make Gabe jealous, if it even will.

"Come on wear this." Kendra throws me the black cocktail dress.

"No. It's too sexy." Kayla interjects.

"Yeah I agree with Kayla." I say, turning away from the bathroom mirror.

"Well it's your closet full of these clothes." Kendra retorts.

"Ken, they're party clothes not date clothes." I fold my arms.

"Do you want to make a bad impression on the hottest guy in school?" Kendra asks.

"No." I admit.

"Then change." She pushes me into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I sigh and change into the tight cocktail dress. It does suit me pretty well. I decide to curl my platinum blonde hair. I do the smokey eye for my makeup and put red lipstick on. My bow pumps are still in here so I slip them on and walk out to show Kayla and Kendra. 

"Holy mother of pearl." Kayla gasps and slaps Kendra's arm.

"What?" Kendra looks up and sees me. She nods her head enthusiastically. "I knew this was going to be a good choice." She claps.

I laugh. "Has Jesse texted?"

"Yep." Kayla throws my phone at me. I catch it and sit on the edge of my bed, reading the text. 'See you in 10.'

"He'll be here in ten minutes." I grab a clutch and slip my phone in.

"We are gonna take off then. Text us about it, unless you are unavailable, tell us at school." Kayla giggles.

"Shut up." I throw a pillow at her as they leave my room. I sigh when I hear the front door shut. I might as well wait outside. I walk down the stairs and catch Matilda as she walks by.

"Well aren't you looking gorgeous." Matilda smiles and looks me over.

"I'm going on a date." I inform her.

"Ooh with Gabe Gordon?" She smiles, hopeful.

"No. Someone else." I half smile. "I'll see you later?"

"Have fun!" Matilda says and continues to walk her former path.

I walk out the door and sit on the fountain in the driveway. I hear a door shut and I snap my head towards the Gordon's. Mr and Mrs. Gordon are all dressed up and headed to their car. Mrs. Gordon sees me and hurries over in her tall heels.

"Hey Alyssa! A little dressed up for babysitting." She smiles, observing my outfit.

"What do you mean?" I am utterly confused.

"Gabe said you could watch Gavin tonight. Did you forget honey?"

"I think someone forgot to tell me." I mutter under my breath.

"What sweetie?" 

"Nothing. Uh I'll tell my date that I have to babysit and he'll have to rain check." I half smile.

"Thank you so much." Mrs. Gordon leans down and hugs me before getting in the car with her husband.

Right then, a lamborghini pulls up next to me. Leave it to Gabe's friends to be the filthy rich ones. Jesse walks out in a tailored suit. He approaches me and smiles.

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