« Chapter 1- Outside the Walls »

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«Chapter 1- Outside the Walls»

Hazel's P.O.V

I woke up when the sun rays touched my face. I moaned wishing for it to leave me alone.

"Get away, b*tch" I muttered and gestured my hand making it go away. Oh who am I kidding? It won't leave me alone unless I f*c**ng get up

I opened my eyes and glared at my window whose letting in the rays. Traitor...

I get up and saw myself on my whole-body mirror. I'm a mess. My strap fell off my shoulder. My hair's a mess like chickens dug on it. And my emerald eyes still have morning glory. Tch, I hate morning glory... even morning breathe... eww

I took my towel and took a shower. After taking a shower, I slipped into my uniform and brushed my teeth then my hair. I really like my hair, even though its short. I like shorter hair than long and heavy hair. They're just nuisance.

I also slipped in my black fingerless gloves to protect my palm from hurting it. Its my biggest secret.

After doing my morning routines, I went out my room and went to the dining room to take my breakfast. On my way there, I met up with the titan-freak.

"Ohayo Hazel! Ready for the titan-paradise!?" she asked cheerfully and put her arm around my neck.

I sighed and pushed her arm away then stared at her blankly.

"Firat of all, Hange. Its not a paradise. Its a war-zone. And second, I am ready. Ready to slaughter each one of them," I said and she chuckled a little.

"You always say that, Hazel! Let's have breakfast, shall we? Wouldn't want to go on a empty stomach," she said and march to the dining hall which was surprisingly quiet.

I sat on a table where my squad are and Hange went to the superiors' table. I silently eat my foods as Gunther, Olou, Erd and Petra are chatting.

Being a lone-wolf is better than being attach to my teammates. Seeing them die in the battlefield... hurts. I already know the feeling and it won't happened again.

"Hazel! I heard there's another Bruagstein at the 104th trainee squad," Petra informed me with a smile, making me look at her with a glare.

"Another Bruagstein? Impossible. I'm the only Braugstein left."

"I also heard he's annatural!" Olou said, totally ignoring me. I clicked my tongue and stood up while I banged my hands on the table, making them gaze at me.

"I lost my appetite," I said and left. He joined the trainee squagd! He disobeyed me! That little brat don't know what he's into!

Hange's P.O.V

Woah! What was that all about?! Hazel-chan just stormed out the dining room. What a bad blood.

"Tch, she banged her hands on the table because she lost apetite? How low" Levi muttered and I pointed my spoon at him.

"C'mon. We all know Hazel-chan very well. Maybe she heard something that doesn't pleased her that made her mad and lost her apetite" I said defending my friend. Levi just rolled his eye with a tch sound

"But that doesn't mean she have to make a scenario" He said and walked off.

I stared at him as he faded from my sight. I know Hazel-chan as much as I know Levi. And if you ask me, I'll say they'll be a great couple! Even though, he and Hazel-chan always fight. Hazel-chan is always annoyed, or pissed, or maybe urgh! I can't explain her!

She's like a very hard math problem that will take you hours to answer!! But, you know? That makes her interesting

[ Time Skip ]

3rd Person's P.O.V

The whole Survey Corps are riding their horses towards the wall for their expidition. People are cheering for them and this pisses Hazel so much

"Why do they need to be so loud?" Hazel asked pissed off. Petra heard it and gazed at her

"You always said that Hazel-chan. Just cool off," Petra said with a smile. Hazel ignored her and looked straight-forward.

In a distance, three teenagers saw a familiar soldier in the group.

"Hey, isn't that Titus's sister?!" Armin exclaimed as Mikasa nodded and Eren grinned.

"I forgot she was one of the Survey Corps," Eren said as a certain blonde was running towards them.

"Eren! Mikasa! Armin!" The newcomer panted and finally recovered and smiled, "Am I late for their arrival?" He asked.

"A bit, yeah. Bu-"

"We saw Hazel-san in the parade! She looks pretty cool like always," Eren exclaimed and the boy frowned as watched their departure.

"Oh my, she'll be mad if she knew I joined the military," he muttered as the trio gazed at him with an eyebrow raised.


Meanwhile, the Survey Corps left the walls and entered the titan territory. Hazel was riding her horse, Raven, right behind Levi.

Their eyes widened as Hange's eyes sparkled.

"Aww, my babies!" Hange said refering to the two titans coming towards them.

"Ready your gears!" Levi ordered as his whole squad readied their manuever gears, including Hazel.

"Ah! Hazel-chan! Look out!" Petra warned Hazel and she slightly stood up from her running horse. She glared at the titan aproaching her and manuevered towards it at the right distance.

The titan gazed towards Hazel, but she suddenly cut its nape, and safely landed at Raven's back without hurting the black horse.

"1 easy kill," she counted as Levi killed the other one with a Tch sound.

"Stop!" Erwin commanded then they all stopped on top of a slope. They withdrew from their horses and kept them tied in the carts.

"Woah! That was cool Hazel-chan! How'd you do that?!" Petra asked with a smile as Hazel patted her horse's black mane

"Its quite easy when you have cooperation with your horse," Hazel answered coldly.

"Hazel-chan! When have you started on doing that?! I never saw you do that before!" Hange exclaimed amazed.

"Raven and I've been practicing for a while," Hazel said and from distance, Levi was watching them talk.

'She's showing off again. Tch, brat,' he thought for himself. But, he just can't admit to himself that he's really impress at what Hazel did.



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~RSE out

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