« Chapter 30- Titus' Mistake »

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« Chapter 30- Titus' Mistake »

3rd Person's P.O.V

Titus started to get exhausted in fighting Annie as the same goes for her.

"Urrgh! Why do she have to break free from Hange-san's trap?!" Titus thought as he swung his arm towards Annie as she blocked it. They kept on fighting but, something is distracting Titus. The vision he suddenly saw earlier. Normally, he doesn't get those vision like Hazel but she does say something to them to make it possible.


It was another training session with Hazel so Eren an Titus went to the clearing, Erwin let them use to train. They know how Hazel hate being late and they doesn't like angering the short blonde woman.

Once they arrived something triggered them to look back and catch two kitchen knife. The two started sweating, realizing if that one sensation they felt was ignored, they could have died.

"Good. You caught it," a familiar voice said jumping down the tree where the knifes came from and saw their blonde teacher.

"N-Nee-chan! We could have died because of that!" Titus said, holding up the knife then his eyes widened when he realized something on the knife.

"Ah...ettoh...this is a rubber knife," Eren uttered bending the real looking rubber knife. (Hahaha! AssClass anyone?!)

"Tch, like I'm gonna kill two people that can be humanity's hope. Hmph, anyway, tell me how you knew there was something flying at you?" Hazel asked the two boys as they looked at each other, like sending a signal that they are thinking the same thing.

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