« Chapter 43- You're gonna pay for this »

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« Chapter 43- You're gonna pay for this »

Levi's P.O.V

I landed on the tree where Yeager is standing, carrying an unconscious Hazel with him. My heart started racing with anxiety and fear. Fear that I might suddenly lose Hazel. No. That can't happen. Upon knowing what is suppose to be done without me talking, Yeager gave me Hazel and I accepted her unconscious body.

I pressed two fingers on her neck and felt slow heartbeats, but there are beats. She's still alive! Barely, though.

"Eren," he tensed as I grimly looked at him, my gaze full of anger and menace, "Take care of those bastards while I take Hazel to safety."

He saluted and jumped down the three and shifted into a titan. The two others took a position, ready to fight. I stood up, with Hazel in my arms and glided away from the battle. Just as I left, a loud bang was heard. I didn't bothered to look back.

I glance back down at Hazel whose portraying a lot of agony in her face. Her head is bloody and her clothes are tattered. A lot of bruises and wounds are seen all over her face, neck and arms. Have they beat her up, that much? They almost killed her!

Just thinking about it, makes my blood boil and heart aches. They did this to Hazel. They hurt her and almost killed her.

"They're gonna pay for this, Hazel. I promise," I whispered as I clutch her frail bruised up body. Being a shifter, I know her wounds and bruises will somehow fades, but I won't ever forgive the for hurting Hazel on the first place.

I went to the mouth of the forest and saw some abandoned houses there. I decided to stop there and put Hazel to safety. I entered one house that I know is sturdy and can not fall down easily. I saw a bench inside and dusted it off before laying Hazel on the bench.

I pushed a portion of her hair away from her face and took a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped the blood away. The handkerchief is now bright red with her blood and some even spread on my hand. I don't care. I'm already stained with her blood anyway. This is not the right time to be concern in cleanliness. This is the Tim to be concern of Hazel and that's what I'm doing.

Her body slightly flinched and she grunted. I widened my eyes and put aside the handkerchief as my other hand, caressed her now clean cheeks.

"Hazel? Hazel, can you hear me? Speak to me, brat," I said in my usual tone, but softer for her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she suddenly sat up, eyes wide.

"W-Where am I? Harry! That bastard, where is--" she paused when I touched her scarred hand. She looked over to my direction and her eyes started to water. However, she's holding it back, "Levi..."

I squeezed her hand and leaned in. She remained constant in her position as my face come closer and closer towards her, her breath brushing off my face. I decided to close the gap between our lips and snaked my arms around her waist. To be more comfortable, I sat on the bench with her as her hand slowly went up to the back of my neck and pulled me close.

Oh how I missed this. I wished this could last forever. No one can disturb us. Not caring about anything at all. Why must this world be so cruel?

We pulled away for air and her eyes released her tears, sobbing into my chest.

"They're gonna kill everyone! They're going to kill them! They won't stop until everyone in this fuck up world see their point of view right! That's their goal! And I'm an idiot to think once that they were actually my family! I'm such a stupid idiot! I didn't stopped them! And now,they will kill everyone! Everyone I ever cared about will die because of me!" She cried, her breath started to shake and her voice cracked.

I've never seen nor heard Hazel like this. Seeing her like this hurts me and I want to punch someone in the face. No one will hurt Hazel again. No one can and no one will!

"Hazel, this is not your fault. They out numbered you. The Survey Corps is here to fight with you. Don't shoulder all the blame. Things doesn't go the way we always wanted because sometimes some people already thought ahead of you. Don't blame yourself. You never wanted this to happened. The others are brats, but they aren't weak, remember that," I reassured her as I felt her clutch my shirt.

"You wouldn't leave me, will you, Levi?" I stayed silent for a while, "You won't, will you? You'll stay by my side, right?"

I stayed quiet as I pulled her closer, "Right, Levi? You would never."


"Levi, answer me," she said softly, pulling away and looked at me in the eyes, "You would never ever leave me no matter what, is that true, Levi?!"

"Hazel, I must go," I said, pulling my arms away from her and stood up.


"Stay here, brat! I must go and protect everyone!" I yelled, trying to make her stay put.


"I can't answer your question, Hazel! I cannot! You must stay here until the fight is over and live! Understood?"

"Cut the crap, Levi! Leave them be! We can't do anything about it. The Braugsteins are too strong to fight! Survey Corp--" I glared at her, shutting her off as she flinched and looked down. There was an urge for me to soften my gaze upon seeing Hazel look so pitiful and discourage, but i have to keep this up if I want her safe. This is not Hazel. Something broke her. Something or someone fearless enough to face my wrath.

"Stay here," I firmly said and exited the house, shutting the door in a harsh way. I put out my blades and put on my murder face. They're gonna pay for what they did to Hazel.

I glided back into the forest and search for the blonde titans. I heard a loud noise at my left and followed it, hoping it was Eren and the other two earlier, but I saw Titus in his titan form and another titan. A female with hair longer than Hazel's and taller than her titan form too.

The two are fighting when Eren and the other two earlier bumped into them and started fighting in two teams. The two earlier and new female titan against Titus and Eren.

Tch, now I want to know who the hell broke Hazel and make him pay really bad that he need to pay with his life.


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~RSE out

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