« Chapter 18- Hazel's choice »

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« Chapter 18- Hazel's choice »

Hazel's P.O.V

Only 2 weeks before the next expedition and I need to make my choice on something. It's if I tell Levi and Erwin to put Titus on the Special Ops or I would leave the troublesome to the hands of Levi and go on in the expedition with Titus. I need to keep our identity hidden as much as possible. I can guard two shifters at the same time and place but can't with the other separated so in order to do so, I need both of them in one squad.

I am now on my way to Erwin's office to tell my request when Hange stood in front of me startling me a little. I stepped back as she smiled widely at me, body tilted towards me and hands behind back.


"So what, Hange? I'm busy," I said trying to get pass her but she won't move out of the way. She's getting annoying again and I hate it. "Tch, move away, Hange--"

"Did Shorty told you something?"

"What are you talking about, Hange? I'm going to see Erwin," I stepped pass through her but she carried me by her shoulder an I glared at her. "What the fuck, Hange!"

"Come on! Did he told you something?" I finally broke free but landed face-first on the floor. Ouch. My nose hurts. "Oops."

"What the fuck, Hange! What's your stupid fucking problem?" I asked as Hange pouted.

"I just wanna know something," Hange said as I glared at her.

"Tch, I got nothing to say to you so I'm leaving," I said and walked away. After a few seconds she shouted--

"Okay! I'm gonna ask Shorty instead," and that made me click my tongue. What do Hange wants to know? There's nothing great about Levi right now. Wait, does she know about Levi befriending with me? Maybe. I'll just ignore that...

Finally, I arrived in front of Erwin's office and knocked. I'll knock at his door but not in Hange and Levi's.

"Come in," I opened the door and went inside. I closed the door and saluted. "Oh, Cadet Braugstien. What's your business here?"

"I have a request," I said lowering my fist. He stopped writing on the paper and lifted his gaze at me. I just blankly stare at him as he looked at me curiously.

"What is it?"

"I would like to request my brother to be in the same squad as mine," I said and he widened his eyes. I know how Erwin acts in front of the other cadets but the way he acts around me, it's like I'm one of the squad leaders or Captain. It kind of creeps me out.

"You mean the Special Ops?" he asked but I stayed still, "You should request that to Levi and not mine."

"I just thought to request it to you since you're the commander," I said still blank with any emotions then he looked pass me.

"Okay, I'll consult Levi later," he said as he stared at me. "I also heard that your brother's been saying your secret."

I glared, "Secret? What secret?"

"About your feelings for your captain," I clicked her tongue and looked at Erwin straight into the eyes.

"I'm sorry commander but that was a mistake. Levi is only my captain, my friend," Erwin looked at me curiously but I ignored it. "And will you excuse me, I need to go."

Then I exited his office. I went to the mess hall to clear up things. I can't clear my mind if I'm in my room because I know, Titus would be there to pester me again. And I hate being pestered. The mess hall was empty since everyone was in their own room resting for the day.

I sighed, for the past few days, I've been dreaming about Isabel and Farlan. Why now of all time? They're dead already but it's like they're hunting me in my dreams. They knew my secrets about Levi but never told him and carry it till dead. Are they hunting me to confess? Tch, no way. Levi and I are just friends but strange feelings are also hunting me earlier.

Urrgh! Stop thinking about those shits, Hazel! All you need to mind now is to get both of those shifters in the Special Ops.

"Stupif thoughts," I murmured and rested my cheek on my palm. Then I looked at my other palm. Gloves. My occult hand hidden behind my dark black gloves. My hands which hide my dark secret.

"Why do I need to be like this?" I glared.


Hazel was in the age of 12 and was at the wide field with his grandfather who was farming. She was watching him from afar as her grandfather lively farm.

"Grandpa! When will you tell me stories?" Hazel asked from afar. Her grandfather gazed at her with a smile.

"Oh, dear Hazel. Why not now?" his grandfather said as Hazel smiled widely. He dropped his pickaxe and sat beside Hazel.

"What are you going to tell me, Grandpa?" Hazel asked excitedly.

"Let me tell you a secret of our family that I never told your father," her grandfather said as Hazel looked at him curiously, cocking her head.

"What is it?" His face became blank from any emotions.

"Hazel, did you remember the Titans?" he started and young Hazel nodded.

"The large humanoid beast who eat us human?"

"Exactly. As we all know, they are all large, humanoid and also brainless. But not all of them are brainless," Hazel widened her eyes.

"But in school, they said they have no brains leading them to be dumb,"

"Yes. But they are also human," her eyes became even wider but kept quiet "No one really know their origin but some humans like us can also transform into those beast."


"And our family have that art," her grandfather took Hazel's hands as Hazel stare at them. "These. These hands. Protect them with your life in order to keep your identity hidden. If you wound them, you will transform into one of those beast."

"Is that true?" Hazel asked as her grandfather let go of her hands. She stared at them before standing up.

"All of those are true, Hazel."

"Why didn't you told Tou-san?" Hazel asked eyeing her grandfather.

"Because, if I told him, it might affect his job as a Survey Corps cadet. and I don't want that," Hazel once again looked at her palm.

"Can I try it?" Hazel asked as her grandfather smiled.

"Sure, my dear. And I'll be there in case you don't control your titan," she smiled and ran towards the wide field. She looked around to make the coast is clear before biting her hand followed by a flash of green light and thick steam.


Hazel fell asleep in the mess hall dreaming about the first time she transformed into one of the creatures she hated the most. She shifted into a titan.


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~RSE out

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