« Chapter 27- Pain and Nothing Else »

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« Chapter 27- Pain and Nothing Else »

Hazel's P.O.V

We're now back in Headquarters as Titus helped me down the cart. My body is still aching. I've never used my power for 15 years and it's really energy consuming and not to mention, my shoulders have the most pain due to the arm ripping.

We passed by Levi and I saw him starring at me. I just look away, emotionlessly. I don't know what I would feel or think right now about us.

"Hazel," he called but I just ignored him. He called me again but I never took at least one glance at him. Titus moved beside me as if shielding me from Levi. For once, I was thankful for my small size because Titus really covered me with his huge body.

"Damn it! Oi, brat!" next thing I knew, a warm hand gripped my wrist and I glared at who it was. His dark orbs looking through my emerald ones. I didn't dared to look away because I want him to see how mad I am at him right now. Or so I thought.

I don't really know if I'm mad or not. When I look at him, I can feel my my heart pounding through my rib cage. I can feel a lump in my throat and my eyes watery, but I kept it in. I don't want him to see how weak I am to weep for him.

"Why are you ignoring me again?" Levi asked as I yanked my wrist away from him, smirking.

"Oh, am I? Well, maybe you know the answer, right? And why would you even care if a monster is ignoring you?" I asked and he widened his eyes when I emphasized the adjective I described myself. Though, I never meant it. I'm not a monster. He just thought of me like that so I emphasized it for him.

"What are you talking a--"

"Ja'ne," I said, cutting him off as Titus and I walked towards the building. I just need to rest right now.

"Nee-chan, are you okay?" Titus asked as I kept quiet. No. I'm not. I'm obviously not okay so why would Titus ask me anyway? After that, neither of us talked nor made a sound using our mouth. We're just, quiet.

I arrived at my room and locked the door behind me. I leaned at the door biting my lower lip. Finally, I let everything I've been keeping out. I let the tears fall and cry. It hurts. It hurt so much that the one you loved didn't trust you and even called you a traitor. It hurts.

"Damn you, Levi. I wished I just let my feeling locked up. If I did, I wouldn't be feeling this," I whispered to myself. Before I realized it, I fell asleep on the floor.

Titus' P.O.V

I'm in the mess hall with Eren, Mikasa and Armin. I'm worried about Nee-chan. That really broke her. It's my fault, if I didn't pushed her to Heichou, she wouldn't be hurt this much.

"So, Titus. You're..." even though Eren can't find the right word to say it, I know what he mean so I just nodded.

"Yeah," I said and Eren stayed quiet as I clutched my hands. We were suppose to eat but my appetite won't go with it. I can't eat when I know everyone knows my secret--I mean our secret.

"So that's why you never took off your gloves. You're afraid you might injure it and get triggered," Armin concluded and I nodded.

"Since when did you know?" Mikasa asked. I'm surprised she's taking all of this calmly. I thought she would be furious and think we might hurt Eren like what that Female Titan did, but it's the total opposite. She still treat us like the normal human we are.

"When we were six. Your father knew but kept it a secret,"  I said making Eren's eyes wide.

"Dad knew about all of this? Yet never told me?!" Eren asked and I nodded "What?! Why?!"

"He told me it might put my life in danger so he never told anyone. Even my sister," I said in a blank tone. I just stare at my food not bothering to eat it. I heard Mikasa sighed and someone took my bread on my plate and shove them into my mouth. I widened my eyes seeing it was Mikasa who was forcing me to eat the bread.

"Eat, Titus. You'll need that," she said as I finally bite on the bread swallowing it. IT was hard to swallow due to the size of it. "Stop sulking around and just eat."

She finally stop shoving the bread to my mouth and continued to eat. I looked at Eren who was also looking at me

"Just do what she say, Titus. And by the way. Thanks. You sacrificed your safety to save me. Thanks a lot," Eren said smiling so I just smiled back.

"Thanks too because even though you know my secret, you're still my friends," Eren snorted a laugh.

"Of course! You were still my friend when you knew I'm also a shifter, don't you?" Eren said, grinning. I smiled and nodded.

"To be honest, we treat you more than a friend. We treat you as our brother," Armin said and I smiled wider feeling stinging at the corner of my eyes.

"Thanks, guys!"

Hazel's P.O.V

I woke up when I heard knocking at the door. I didn't noticed I fell asleep on the floor so I quickly stood up and dusted myself. another set of knock were heard.

"What the hell, Pet--" I was stopped in my mid-sentence when I remembered Petra was dead. The way she died, flashback inside my head. She's usually the one who wake me up with her knocks but now, she's gone. Tch, this is why I hate having bonds!

A new set of knocks were heard, "What in bloody hell do you want?" I asked, angered.

"Hazel, we need to talk," and that voice increased my anger.

"We have nothing to talk about, Levi. Just leave me alone!" I said, locking the door so he wouldn't get in.

"Tch, brat. Let me in!" he demanded as I punched the wall next to the door. Though, I know he wouldn't get intimidated with just that.

"Just leave me alone, you jerk! I'm over you!" I yelled, glaring at the door as if it was him. I'm not gonna let him come inside because I... I can't face him.

"Hazel, let's fix this! I'm not letting you go that fucking easily!" Hmph, like I'll fall for that piece of shit. I don't give a shit.

"All I need to fix is this dent I left in my wall and nothing else. So leave," I said sternly. I heard him sigh at the other side.

"I'm not giving up, Hazel. I still love you, so I'm not giving up," I felt a stinging pain in my heart as tears fall off my eyes.

"Go away... Liar," I said and I heard footsteps leaving. I went to sat down on my bed and my hand run over my hair. Why? Why do I have to suffer much pain in this world? This world has nothing but cruelty that makes  people cry over and over again until they cry blood out of their eyes. This world is hell it self....

Levi's P.O.V

As I arrive in my office I locked my door and went to my desk. It's o net and everything is in place until I screamed and pushed everything away then clutched my hair.

Why are you so stupid, Levi?! You let your emotions take over you! And now, the only person you ever cared for hates and disgusts you! I thought you're suppose to be smart?! Then why were you so stupid!?

"Fuck this world!" I cursed as I felt something warm on my face. Tears. I never shed tears like this since Farlan and Isabel died. And now, I shed for Hazel who doesn't want to see nor talk to me. Why do everyone important to me leave me?! What's wrong with me?!

Why am I even in this world if all I feel is pain and nothing else? The people I loved and ever cared for left me! No one else was left for me! Damn those filthy titans! Damn that cursed power! Damn that female titan! Damn this world and everything!

All I get is pain and nothing else.


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~RSE out

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