« Chapter 5- My Duty as Protector »

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«Chapter 5-My Duty as Protector»


Today is the troublesome's trial. It's whether he will be sent to the Military Police for experimental reasons or he'll be claim by the Survey Corps to help humanity exterminate the titans. I'll make sure he'll be on our side, not with those ignorant pigmen.

Hange went to Troublesome's prison underground with Mike to bring him to the courthouse for trial and I went to the veranda or the courthouse to watch the trial. If something bad happens I have no choice but intervene.

After a few minutes, Yeager appeared being restrained. He seemed surprise. Before the trial begun, Hange stood next to me.

"I can't wait to get that titan boy into our hands. I'm so excited!" Hange said as I rolled my eyes. The trial begun.

(So we all know what happened back there. Let's go to the part where Eren started saying somethin' Uhh, you know. Time skip!!)

People in the court were alarmed at Yeager's sudden outburst. Then suddenly, Levi kicked him making everybody gasped. I sighed.

"I knew this would happen," I muttered running down the veranda. Hange called me but I ignored and kept running. I opened the courthouse's door and before Levi could kick him again, I kicked him in the legs making him fall in the process. The crowed gasped and I also saw Yeager widened his eyes. I stood straight and glared at Levi. He glared back wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Who are you, cadet? And why did you did that to your captain?" The judge asked as I faced him and saluted.

"I am Cadet Hazel Bruagstien! From the Special Operation Squad! I did that because he's too abusing Eren Yeager and it's my job to protect him from any harm!" I said surprising everyone. Ackerman was about to charge in but Arlert stopped her.

"Protect? What are you talking about, Bruagstien?" Levi asked as I lowered my fist.

"I am trusted by Grisha Yeager, Eren Yeager's father, to protect him at the night Shiganshina District fell," I said with a serious face. I told them the details I needed to state. Protest? Yeah, that cannot be avoid. Some MPs questioned my statement but I shot back some reasonable answers making them speechless.

"Levi is right. We could discipline him by tortures but I'll make sure we would not be carried away. So please, hand the titan shifter to us," I said. The judge seem to get my point and get it reasonable and nodded.

"Very well, it is decided," he said.

"What?!" The MPs exclaimed as Levi and I glared at them.

"Eren Yeager shall be put on the Survey Corps Special Operation Squad under Corporal Levi," he said ending the trial. They unrestrained Yeager and his wound seem to be healing then I walked out the courthouse.

"Bruagstien!" Levi called as I turned around to face him. I have no time to argue. Levi glared intently but I didn't glared back. My head seem to be heavy and it's like the world is spinning.

"What's with the lies?" He asked. I felt offended and I manage to give him a soft glare.

"I'm not in the mood to argue, Levi. Lies? I'm not lying. I spoke the truth earlier. So don--"

I was cut off when he suddenly pinned me into the wall. It took me by surprise making my eyes wide.

"You're good at lies, Bruagstein. But you wouldn't fool me. I know you hate titans as much as Four-eyes love them. If you really saw that brat in his titan form five years ago then why didn't you killed him? You could've killed him them. Why are you protecting the titan brat huh? You can't fool me," as he finish a sentence the more painful his grip on me. I admit it's painful, but I showed no sign that I'm in pain.

"I didn't killed him because Grisha told me to take care of him. I saw him changed form from titan to human. I believed he's not an enemy since I knew about his hatred towards these beasts. Yes, I could have killed him then, but I didn't because I believed humanity could use his powers to kill the titans. I didn't lied, Levi. I told them--I told you the truth," I said as he removed his hand from me. My shoulders hurt.

"You're good, Bruagstien. Just be careful next time, brat," he said leaving. I also left but after a few stepped my knees felt like jelly. My head ached and I fell on my knees.

"Hazel!" That's the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


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~RSE out

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