« Chapter 21- Feelings revealed »

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« Chapter 21- Feelings revealed »

Hazel's P.O.V

I was in my room, laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling like a useless grounded kid. Tch, it's dinner time now and I didn't bother to go to the mess hall after what happened earlier there. I already have a bad reputation disobeying my captain's orders and now I have a even worse reputation hurting my captain. Hmph, what do I care anyway? Reputation is just junk.

But, was he hurt?

I sat up and clicked my tongue. What do I even care about that jerk!!? He has no feelings nor senses. Of course he's not hurt. He's just like a rock! A stupid rock!

"Tch, I don't care about that jerk," I said to myself as I gazed at the mirror. My hair's a mess. Like chicken dug on it. I took my brush and brush it off as a scene flashed in my head. The scene when Levi was brushing my hair. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Urrgh! You're thinking false again, Hazel! Tell yourself, I don't like Levi.

I don't like Levi. I don't like Levi. I don't like Levi!!

"I don't like anyone," a knock was heard on my door. "Who's there?" I asked coldly.

"It's me, Gunther," Gunther said at the other side. I opened the door and stare at Gunther. Tch, why should he be so tall?!!

"Tch, what do you want?" I asked.

"Heichou wants to talk to you," He said

"Tell him I don't want to," I said as Erd appeared next to him.

"He said you'll say that," Erd said and next thing I knew I was on his shoulder and I was struggling to get off.

"Put me down! I demand you to put me down, Erd!" I said still struggling. I'm too hungry and I have no strength to get out because he's stronger than me, being a male and all. "Let me go! Or you'll see what's coming at 'ya!"

"Tch, shut up, brat," Olou said behind. I looked over to him and glared.

"Oi, wrinkled face. Are you trying to annoy me? Stop copying that jerk!" I said as he clicked his tongue. Urrgh! Why is everything fucking annoying me??

"Geez, since when have Hazel became this noisy?" Olou asked as an irk mark appeared on my forehead. I'm fucking gonna kill that shorty later. I stopped struggling in defeat. Whatever I do, I'm seeing that jerk.

After a few minutes, we're now here in front of Levi's office. Erd put me down and Olou opened the door as Gunther pushed me inside. Wow. Great.

"Tch, brat, sit down," I turned to see Levi leaning on his desk with his hands supporting him. He was wearing his casual clothes but still wears his cravat. A chair is in front of him and I glared at him.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked and because I'm stubborn, I'm going to my room. I turn around and tried to turn the doorknob but it won't turn. I hissed and tried harder but no avail.

"It's no use, Hazel. Schultz locked it from the outside and for it to be open from the inside is this key," Levi said as I turned to him and saw a key on his hand. He put it in his pocket and pat it like it was secured. I clicked my tongue. I'm stuck in here unless I get that key.

I 'Hmph' in defeat and sat on the chair arms and legs crossed. "What do you want? Hurry up cause I'm missing my shower."

He then threw a towel at my face and my eyes widened. I removed the towel and glared at him then he handed me some clothes. I stared at the clothes and realized those clothes were my missing ones.

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