« Chapter 45- This is the End »

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« Chapter 45- This is the End »

Titus' P.O.V

I was fighting Sarah for the past 15 minutes in our titan forms and both of us are beginning to reach our limits. We are a few meters from each other and I can see her titan body shaking, but I also noticed it steaming. It's rotting! The body suddenly dropped and something is trying to budge at her nape. She's getting out!

I also dropped and let my consciousness rot this body and tried budging through the thick skin of the nape. Once I got out, I can feel the hot steam, touching my human skin and I opened my eyes. I saw Sarah trying to escape through the crowd of cadets and shifters, but I didn't let her. I ran after her and I'm pretty thankful that she's a slow runner and I'm a fast one.

I was about to grab her by the wrist, when a titan suddenly scooped her up. I looked up and saw it was Michael. Oh, I remember he's got a lot of stamina, enough for him to keep his form this long. Blast it! I can't transform right now! I'll wear myself off!

Just when I was about to trip, a warm giant hand caught me by my hood and I looked up, seeing it's Nee-chan! I grinned and scolded myself. Why didn't I noticed her presence just now?!

"Nee-chan!" I exclaimed and she glanced at me as she put me on her shoulders. I took hold of some of her hair strands as she walk towards Michael. He didn't seem to notice Nee-chan and she grabbed him by the hair and twisted him head backwards. I closed one of my eyes, not liking what I just saw and the next one. Nee-chan...took his head off. Well, his titan head off. But still, that is so violent!

"Micheal!" Sarah called and glared at Nee-chan. She was about to injure herself again when someone swooped over and took her. I saw it was Jean and he restrained her from transforming again.

Hazel took Michael's unconscious body off the titan body and handed him to Mikasa whose at the nearby tree. I looked at where she is heading and saw that all of the Braugsteins are piled together with the surviving cadets surrounding them. Levi Heichou landed on Nee-chan's other shoulder and gave her a nod. Whaa?! They planned this?! Without me?! Oh come on!

I then noticed that Uncle Harry is still not here so I turned to Nee-chan.

"Nee-chan..." I said and she nodded. I felt Harry's presence and I think she also did too. He's closing in.

"Titus, jump off my shoulder and don't fight, I obeyed Nee-chan and jumped off, letting Eren catches me from below. Now, that's what you call a trust fall.

After Eren caught me, we ran back to the group and stood as I feel Harry come nearer and nearer. Soon, we can feel the earth shaking and heard huge footsteps nearing. We stood our ground and soon, the tremors stopped and a titan, a meter taller than Nee-chan stood a few feet away from her.

I saw Levi-Heichou standing on Nee-chan's shoulder as the two of them face Uncle Harry. I heard clanking sounds and saw gas tanks on the ground near Nee-chan. I think those are Heichou's empty tanks and he refilled before Uncle Harry arrived.

"Good luck, Nee-chan," I said and I hear a chuckle from behind. I turns to see Michael, laughing.

"Hey, what's so funny, kid?" Jean asked as he tightens the rope that hugs Michael. He winced and scowled.

"We're going to die," he said, making my eyes wide. He raises his head and we can see tears flowing down his cheeks, but his eyes glare at us.

"Michael," I muttered and I noticed the others crying too. Sarah, Uncle Bobby and the children too. There are children as our captives too, but they are too weak to transform so we don't have to restrain them as much as their parents.

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