« Chapter 11- New Recruits »

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« Chapter 11- New Recruits »
3rd person's P.o.v

"Hazel-chan! Wake up! Hazel-chan!!" Petra banged Hazel's door for the nth time for the morning.

Meanwhile, Hazel was still asleep in her bed. Not even bothered by the noise Petra was making.

"Bruagstien," at the sound of Levi's voice, Hazel opened her eyes. Levi opened Hazel's door with an annoyed expression. Hazel rose up and blinked sleepily at Levi.

"What's with the noise, Levi? Tch, can't you see I'm sleeping?" Hazel asked annoyed, half-asleep yet, cold.

"Tch, get off bed now. You're holding back Erwin's men to the recruits," Levi said as Hazel blinked again then widened her eyes. "What are you waiting for, brat? Get your ass out of that fucking bed!"

Hazel clicked her tongue in annoyance as Levi did the same.

"Way to go to ruin my sleep, insomnia boy," Hazel said getting off her bed. She looked at Levi whose still standing in front of her, then she glared, "oi, what are you doing here?"

"I'm not leaving," Levi said leaning on the wall.

(I totally forgot about Petra)

"Well, you have to! I'm not gonna get ready with you in my fucking room," Hazel said pushing Levi out of the way but no avail because he's too resisting her.

"Then get your clothes inside your bathroom and get going," he ordered as Hazel glared more.

"I have my own ways so don't tell me what to do. Get out of my room. You're invading my privacy," Hazel said pushing Levi harder.

"Uh- Hazel-chan. Commander Erwin's looking for you," Petra said over the door. Hazel stopped pushing Levi and clicked her tongue.

"I have no time for this," Hazel said grabbing her clothes and towel then run to her bathroom. In the other hand, Levi stayed there not moving as Petra gazed at him nervously.

"Ral, clean the mess hall after Hazel eat," Levi ordered as Petra nodded.

"Hai, Levi Heichou," Petra said leaving. She noticed that Levi called Hazel by her first name.

'So the rumors true. Heichou's calling a cadet by first name now. And it's Hazel-chan,' Petra thought feeling uneasy.

★Time skip★

Hazel got out the bathroom with clothes on and she combed her hair in front of the mirror.

"Tch, you're making a mess," she looked at her back and saw Levi sitting on a chair with arms and legs crossed.

"What are you still doing here, Levi?" Hazel asked surprised. Levi stood up and walked towards her. He grabbed the towel and dried Hazel's hair.

"Dry your hair first before combing it or the water will keep on dropping on the floor and make a mess," Levi said as Hazel blushed at his actions but, then regain her usual self.

"Tch, that'll just waste my time," Hazel said.

"But with your action, you'll ruin your beau- hair," Levi said as Hazel looked at him and decided to stay still. When Levi finished drying Hazel's hair, he combed it making Hazel's heart beat faster than a racing horse. (Courtesy of Jean Kirstien, J-hope, and Vice Ganda)

"W-What are you doing!? I can do it by myself, shorty! Just get out!" Hazel said swapping away the comb from Levi's hand. He glared at her and clicked his tongue.

"Thanks to you, I even helped you," Levi said leaving her. He forcefully close the door annoyed. Hazel started to calm down and touched her hair.

'For a guy, he's good at combing hairs. Tch, is he a gay or something?' Hazel asked herself and remembered the situation earlier when Levi was combing her hair. She shook a her head and regain her usual self.

'I'm over thinking what Gunther told me. Don't take it seriously, Hazel!'

★Time Skip★

Erwin's troupe arrived where the new graduates stayed. All off them gathered and Hazel scanned them, remembering every last one of their faces.

At the crowd, Titus saw Hazel behind Erwin and his eyes widened and lowered his head.

'Nee-chan's here. Did she come with Commander?' The blonde boy asked. Mikasa also saw Hazel and glared at her. She still can't get over what Hazel told at the courthouse. She thinks that Hazel's trying to take away Eren from her.

Soon enough, Erwin started his speech. It kinda scared the new graduates. They look so terrified at his words. Hazel just stared at the cadets coldly.

After Erwin's speech, many graduates backed out. Only a few were left. More like 3/4 of the new graduates earlier left and 1/4 were left. It includes, the four teens who were from Shiganshina district

'Low peasants who found their use in the world full of darkness and cruelty. Low beings who realized they are needed to be lifted high to be respected. I salute them for being brave and accepting the reality,' Hazel thought. Erwin and the others get off the platform with Hazel following Erwin.

Erwin noticed Titus looking at their group and recognized him. He looked at Hazel and gestured her to her brother with his eyes. Hazel seems to get the message and went to Titus.

"N-Nee-chan, I j- hehe," Titus stuttered looking away. Hazel tiptoed and pinched Titus' cheek. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Tch, where's the new confident brother of mine? He became a wimp when he finally joined the Survey Corps. What a drag," Hazel said looking at Titus coldly. Titus widened his eyes and smiled.

"Hehe, guess you're right. But I'm not a wimp! I will show my cool and awesome sister that I can reach her level!" Titus said grinning. Hazel lessen her cold stare and patted Titus' shoulder.

"Now, that's the Titus Bruagstien I was looking for. Tch, just keep in mind that I will be keeping a close eye at you," Hazel said walking towards the horses and went up to Raven's back. "See you later."

She followed the others to the headquarters as Titus smiled.

"Woah! That's your sister? She's hot, huh?" Connie said to Titus. Titus widened his eyes and looked at Connie.

"Umm, it's not a good idea telling her that. She doesn't really likes those kinds compliments," Titus said as Connie tilted his head.

"That's your sister, Titus? She's surprisingly short," Jean said watching the Survey Corps leave.

"Well, what about those kinds?" Connie asked as Titus sweatdropped.



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~RSE out

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