Awkward Chanyeol is Awkward

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“Hey Baekhyun!” I call.

There’s a shuffle on the other side of the door. It’s pushed open, revealing a very flustered-looking Byun Baekhyun.

His eyeliner has started to run, and he’s sweating like a pig.

In sweatpants and an almost see-through tank top.

Sexy, sexy Byun Baekhyun.


God Chanyeol, you sound like a constipated Gollum.


Byun Baekhyun ignores this random outburst.

You can still see the bruise on his left eye, the shape of Sehun’s fist.

It makes him look badass.

That it does.

A sexy badass with manliner.


OK, brain. Keep it PG.

“It’s really hot out,” Baekhyun explains, walking over to the edge of my bed.

Not as hot as you. Definitely not.

Please stop undressing him, brain. I'm not sure he'd totally appreciate that.

“How have you been?”

I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s only been three hours since he left this morning.

Byun Baekhyun has been staying here at the hospital with me, every single night after I let slip that sometimes I get lonely surrounded by nothing but these bleached white walls.

At first, Sehun and Kai were both a little anxious about it.

See, there’s only one bed in the room.

Baekhyun had argued that he’d sleep in the chair beside me, but I told him that’s really not good for his posture unless he wants an early onset of osteoporosis.

Not cool.

The nurses were happy to drag in a small stretcher that was just large enough for Baekhyun to sleep on.

…Which really isn’t much because he’s actually a midget.

I imagine Byun Baekhyun wearing green. A green morph suit, green makeup covering his face, a little shamrock clipped into his hair.

Leprechaun Baekhyun.

Stop thinking, Chanyeol. If you don’t there will be obnoxious turkey-gobbling sounds…



Refrain from letting these thoughts turn into words.

Chanyeol, answer Byun Baekhyun!

“I’ve been good, a little bored. You know I’m not allowed out much until the psychologist clears me.”

Baekhyun nods sympathetically.

“I thought you needed the company, so I kind of… uh, dropped by?”

I swear over the course of the week Byun Baekhyun has become a nervous wreck.

Maybe it’s the presence of Oh Sehun. Baekhyun wasn't lying when he said I had protective friends.

“I uh… brought you a little something.”

Baekhyun gives me a small smile and empties the contents of a small cardboard box onto the end of my bed, which is a difficult feat as my legs take up far more space than your usual person.

“What is it?” I ask.


Hello video games.

I can handle this.

“Well I thought you’d be bored so I kind of… OK, I know it’s a little creepy I went through your bedroom and stuff when you weren’t there and maybe even stumbled across your pile of pictures of me that are in that shoebox in the back of your cupboard and all those creepy fan-taken photos kind of freaked me out and all and I’m sorry but I thought you’d be bored and stuff so I found your Nintendo DS.”

I blink a couple of times.


“Er… I can explain the photos…”

Smooth, Chanyeol. Real smooth.

“Don’t worry about it,” Baekhyun laughs and ruffles my hair.

“I figure we’re pretty much even when it comes to stalking each other.”

Got that right.

“I wasn’t sure which games you’d like the best, so I picked up whatever I could find. There’s a few Pokémon ones. Also Mariokart… and a few others…”

Oh lord.

Chanyeol. What if he found that game…

Not that game.

Anything but that game!

Prank birthday present from almost five years ago. Well, not entirely prank. Luhan’s just an airhead.

Back when you had a thing for fashion. 

Shortly lived, mind you.

But still.

Luhan wasn’t sure what to get me, but he knew I loved dressing up things in my brain and colour co-ordinating (no matter how bad I was at it), as well as video games so it just kind of happened.

I suppose that’s justification enough for Luhan to have bought you ‘Barbie Fashion Show: An Eye for Style’; pre-pubescent teenage girls love that shit. Not that you really had an eye for style, of course. Also you weren't a pre-pubescent teenage girl but still...


Byun Baekhyun teeters on the edge of my bed, holding his sides in laughter.

So, so attractive.

That smile, that laugh.

That… everything!

Why is your face so perfect?

“You know Chanyeol, sometimes I’d really love to know what exactly goes on in your brain.”

Awkward Chanyeol is awkward. ASDFGHJKL!

Baekhyun jumps up and wiggles his way closer and closer to my face, his cheek resting on my pillow.

I look into his brown eyes and I can’t help but melt.

His pale, slender fingers brush against my forehead as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, snuggling up to me.

Where is that anvil? Where is that anvil I want to drop off a cliff into his face because it is so beautiful?

Park Chanyeol, sometimes violence is not the answer.

“What are you thinking of now?”

“I think I want to kiss you.”

And I do.

Chanyeol's Epic Fail (not mine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon