The Art of Trolling

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“Chanyeol, what the fuck are you doing?” Kai asks me one day.

I’m sitting in the bathroom with a bag of flour from the kitchen, pouring it into the hairdryer.


“I’m going to make Baekhyun smile again,” I reply, giving a satisfied sigh as I place the hairdryer back on the bench.

Excellent. The next person that’s going to use this is in for a surprise.

I watch in excitement as Lay enters the bathroom, locking the door behind him. There’s the familiar buzz of the air conditioning, and I hear a shuffle before water patters over the tiles.

It seems I have a victim number one. Now, for the next plan.

I take the flour back to the kitchen, grabbing the sugar jar and saltshaker out of the pantry in the process.

Here we go.

I pour the sugar into a bowl, cleaning out the shaker before I pour all the salt across into it. I replace this, and start spooning the sugar into the saltshaker.

This will be an exciting week.


“What?” I shout, hiding them behind my back.

It’s Kyungsoo.

“What are you doing in my kitchen?” he asks threateningly. He can get very territorial.

My Byun Baekhyun has not smiled all week. This is worth it, I remind myself.

“Oh, nothing,” I tell Kyungsoo.

“I was actually going to help, you know. With cooking and stuff.” Kyungsoo stares at me warily.

“What were you really doing?” My eye twitches and I curse the fact my face always gives everything away.

“I… I was going to bake cookies. For Baekhyun,” I mumble.

“He needs to cheer up, OK?”

Kyungsoo looks at me carefully, deciding to believe me with a small nod.

“OK. I can help. You need flour, sugar, milk, butter, maybe chocolate chip? What did you have in mind?”

I shrug, smirking.

“Something sweet.”

I hand Kyungsoo the sugar jar and carefully slip the saltshaker back next to the pepper as I pull out the flour and chocolate chip bits.

“This right?”

Kyungsoo nods. I know he will hardly let me cook because the last time I tried to make cupcakes I almost burnt the kitchen down.


Suho and his aromatic candles are to blame.

Everything was going well up until that point. I hadn’t made as much of a mess as usual; there was a little bit of mixture on the bench but nothing too bad.

I spooned my cupcake mix into those little paper holder thingies and had put them in the oven. I ran my hands under the tap and dried my hands on a tea towel, which I later threw across the kitchen bench.

I didn’t realise Suho had lit his candles.

The tea towel caught alight, and I dropped Kyungsoo’s favourite large ceramic mixing bowl on the tiled floor, causing it to shatter.

Kyungsoo didn’t talk to me for a week.

And that’s why now he always serves you food in plastic Tupperware containers.

Chanyeol's Epic Fail (not mine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon