Part 3

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Saturday Afternoon

You stayed up the night before watching Friends with Jackson and Isaac until 2am, only because they couldn't stay up any later. You wanted them to stay up with you, hoping you would fall asleep before them with the show playing in the background. You'd hoped the TV and their steady heartbeats would soothe you to sleep. But that didn't happen.

You still weren't used to the time difference, and you weren't selfish enough to keep them awake with you. You let them go to bed as you went into yours, where you once again remembered the pain Liam caused you and cried yourself to sleep.

But, today as you stared at yourself in the mirror, you noticed your long straight chocolate hair. You parted it more towards the right side, then flipped it over to the left side, and finally down the middle. You picked it up, imagining what it would look like at medium length, short, or even a pixie haircut style. Then you wondered what it would look like with a different color; black, red, blonde, green, purple, or just adding highlights to your natural hair color.

Your eyes drifted to your ears, and you began to study your little ears, each earlobe with a diamond stud earring. You pictured what would look good at the top of your ear; a small earring hoop or maybe a stud, a bar across the ear, or a hoop connected with a chain to a small stud piercing on your nose. You looked at your nose debating if you should just get a simple nose piercing instead.

Your eyes flickered towards your clothes. Your plain and simple, yet boring and bland, clothes. You wore a black tank top under Liam's maroon lacrosse jersey and some dark grey sweats. It was so American and nothing foreign like. You tilted your head about to notice something else when you heard a knock on the doorframe. You looked at the open doorway from the mirror and saw Jackson smiling at you.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Are you admiring yourself again?"

You shook your head and looked back at yourself in the mirror. "I need something different..." You trailed. "Something new, right?"

Jackson raised his eyebrow, questioning what you were talking about.

"I need a makeover, right?" You hesitated a little. You weren't exactly sure what were the rules of going through heartbreak and trying to mend a broken heart. "That's what you do, right? When you're starting a new chapter in your life and getting over a boy?"

"Yes!" You heard Isaac yelling from the kitchen. "I read that online the other day! It was on the same website about the whole eating ice cream thing!"

"That's actually not a bad idea," Jackson considered the idea. "And I know just where to start. We're leaving in five." Jackson walked away from your door as you heard him tell Isaac to chow down his meal if he was leaving with the two of you.


You sat on the chair as the hairstylist draped a cloth over you and secured it with a clip. He undid your ponytail, let your hair fall loose, and parted it through the middle with a comb. He looked at you through the mirror and said something in French as he split your hair in two and pushed it over the front of your shoulders. You looked at him clueless, suddenly wishing you had paid attention in your French classes back at BHHS. You looked at Jackson, curious to know what the hairstylist said.

"He wants to know what you want to do with your hair." He translated before he started talking to the hairstylist. You didn't understand what Jackson said except when he said 'American'. You assumed he was telling the hairstylist you were American and didn't know French.

"Oh, you American?" You noticed the hairstylist had a thick French accent, but had such a joyful tone in his voice. "You are a very beautiful girl." He smiled.

Running Away (Liam Dunbar x Reader - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now