Part 5

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Tuesday Afternoon

You sat on a stool with your laptop on top of the kitchen island, debating whether or not if you should research on taking your GED online. Your week in Paris would end in two days, but you weren't ready to go back home yet. Except, you knew it wouldn't be this easy to move. Eventually, your dad would find out you're not at home and you would need to somehow convince him to let you stay. Then, you would have to explain to Scott that you're leaving his pack for good, and you didn't know if you had the heart to break it to Scott. You loved him as a brother and you knew he had a lot going on, but you knew telling him you're leaving for good wouldn't be the best timing right now.

Lastly, there was Liam. He hadn't sent you a real email since Sunday night (his time). He would only send you short emails with 'I miss you' and 'Wish you were here with me'. You figured he's gotten too caught up with Hayden to give you a decent email. You knew he didn't forget you, because for a few seconds, you crossed his mind when he sent you those emails. However, you couldn't help the feeling of being somewhat forgotten. It killed you, but since you've vented to the boys, you haven't cried yourself to sleep. But that doesn't mean you still didn't have trouble sleeping. Your mind ran with a million thoughts, all about Liam, causing you to toss and turn all night, and not falling asleep until after 3am.

You couldn't help yourself. You googled 'GED online' and you learned that it is doable. Before clicking on the information link, your phone buzzed. You looked down and saw your father was calling you. You sighed knowing this might not end well, considering he never called you unless it was important or you were in trouble of some sort.

You took a deep breath as you touched the accept button. You fake smiled as you put the phone to your ear and put on a cheery voice. "Hey, daddy! How's..." you trailed for a second, trying to remember what city he was in, but failed. "Where ever you are?"

"Funny, I should ask you the same thing." You heard the anger in his voice. You knew your cover was blown. "You want to explain to me why you haven't been going to school since Friday?" You placed your head on your hand, mentally groaning at yourself for not thinking this through.

"Your school called me this morning wondering if there had been a death in the family or something; trying to figure out why you haven't been going to school the past three school days."

"Dad," you sighed in defeat. "I can explain."

"Please do, because I thought you were only going away for the weekend."

"That was never the plan and I'm sorry I lied to you," you began to fiddle with the hem of Liam's hoodie. "But I had to leave Beacon Hills."

You heard your dad exhaled a deep breath, "Just tell me you're okay."

"I'm alive if that's what you're asking."

"What is that supposed to mean, Y/N?!" You heard the panic in his voice.

"Please, don't laugh at me or yell at me for being stupid." You bit your bottom lip, afraid your dad would overreact or make fun of you.


"I got my heartbroken, and I don't mean like 'my crush doesn't like me back', heartbroken." You explained. "I mean he yanked my heart out, ran it over, then put what's left of it in a blender." Your throat began to feel tight, but you pushed it back. "Since Thursday, I've cried myself to sleep every night, eaten nothing but bowls of ice cream, and wearing sweats. But then I came here, to two friends who have done nothing but hold my hand, hug me tight, wipe away the tears, and help me mend my broken heart," a small smile formed on your lips.

"And they're doing a pretty good job. I don't want to go back home. This is something I need to do for myself." You start drumming your fingers against the kitchen island.

Running Away (Liam Dunbar x Reader - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now