Part 17

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Friday Morning

After repacking your stuff and making Liam chocolate chip pancakes as promised, Liam went with you to the airport. You told him he didn't have to go but he refused to let you go without saying goodbye. He wasn't going to let you do that to him again. During the ride to the airport, you heard Liam's heart racing and he reeked with nervousness as his leg constantly shook up and down, and drummed his fingers on his knees. From the corner of your eyes, you saw him staring at you the entire way. It was making you nervous and self-conscious.

Once the taxi pulled up to the airport, Jackson paid the driver as Isaac immediately got off and grabbed the backpacks from the trunk. Liam closed the door behind you and together you walked slowly away from the taxi driver.

"Do you need some money to pay the driver on the way back?" Jackson asked Liam.

"Umm, no. I got it. Thanks," Liam nodded at the guys. He just stood there, looking at you and then back at the guys. You gave them the 'go away so we can say goodbye' look, and Jackson immediately picked up your signal.

"We'll give you two a minute," Jackson said as he pulled on Isaac's arm towards the airport.

Liam's eyebrows furrowed forward. "Is he like in love with you or something?"

"Who? Jackson?" You shook your head. "He's like a brother."

"I meant Isaac."

This time you furrowed your eyebrows, "why do you say that?"

"It's just the way he looks at you and then gives me the death glare." Liam pointed out.

"Ahh," you smiled. "That's because he wants to kill you."

"What?" Liam sounded shocked. "What did I do..." You noticed the light bulb turning on as Liam realized Isaac hated him for breaking your heart. "Oh." He said half-heartedly.

"The good news is he won't be around to do that," you joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

"That's not good news because that means you're leaving with him."

"Liam," You sighed. "I have to-"

"I know." He grabbed your hand into his and gave it a squeeze. "But I don't want you too," he mumbled as he looked down at your hand in his. You noticed his bottom lip pushed forward, forming a little pout. With your other hand you slowly brushed the front his hair to the side, for no reason other than just simply wanting to. You kind of like the way it felt.

You felt your heart skipped a beat as he intertwined his fingers with yours. He rolled his head up to look at you, "I'm really sorry I never noticed." His voiced was filled with sympathy. "Is it okay that I'm going this?" Liam's thumb began to trace small circles on the back of your hand.

"Umm, yeah," you whispered as you felt your heart beating out of your chest. You mentally cursed yourself, wishing you could hide your racing heartbeat from Liam.

"Listen, Y/N," there was something about Liam's voice that immediately had your heart wrenching. "I know you have to go back, but can we still be best friends? I mean can we still email, call each other, and stuff?"

Your heart dropped because you knew you couldn't do that knowing he would constantly and casualty bring up Hayden if y'all talked. Or worse, he'd avoid talking about her, a big part of his life, because he didn't want to cause you any pain. You didn't want that. You didn't need that constant reminder of him loving her. Plus, with everything that happened, you knew the two of you wouldn't be the same again. Your friendship with Liam changed for the worse the second you fell in love with him, and there was no way of recovering to it once was before, just as friends.

You replayed last night. For a night, you two were best friends once again, talking about everything all-night while laughing and of course crying a couple of more time, and pigging out on junk food. Ending it with a sleepover and some chocolate chip pancakes. It was how your relationship with Liam was and you couldn't think of a better way to have as your last memories with him. It really was the perfect way to say goodbye to a huge part of your life.

You tried to but on a brave face but the look in his hopeful eyes failed you. He looked into your tear filled eyes and knew what you were about to say.

"We can't be best friends anymore," Liam squeezed your hand, kind of like he wanted to hold on to you and never let you go. "These past couple of days have been an emotional roller coaster and it was nice being us again for a little while, but that's the thing...." You looked down at your hands and looked back up at him. "It won't ever be the same between us anymore. Things have changed and that's okay cause life changes and it sometimes brings people closer or sometimes tears them apart. Our case happens to be the latter."


"I want you to be happy, more than anything in the world. So please, go be happy with Hayden," you pulled him in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his arms found their way around your waist. He pulled you in tight, pressing your chest against his.

You pulled back when you heard Jackson calling you from the airport doors, telling you it was time to go.

"I'll be right there!" You shouted back.

You turned around and noticed tears falling down Liam's face. You cupped his cheeks and wiped away the tears with your thumbs. His hands rested firmly on your waist.

"I love you, Liam," you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek but he moved slightly, causing the corner of your lips touching his, which sent a small shiver up your spine. At that same moment, you felt Liam's hands tighten his grip on your waist.

You pulled back and let go of Liam's cheeks. You got one last look of him. "Smile," You demanded, hoping the last image you have of Liam would be one you would always remember him by, with his gorgeous smile. Except, he couldn't give it to you. Instead, he gave you a half-felt smile as one of the corners from his lips formed a small sad smile.

You turned on your heel and walked away, fighting back your own tears and trying not to look back at the boy you're leaving behind because you knew if you looked back one last time to see the broken beta in the middle of the airport drop off lane, you would run back into his arms and be nothing more than his best friend. Except you didn't because you knew you deserved more, you deserve the world at the tip of your fingers, a second chance at love with someone who loved you just as much back, and something in your heart told you would find it in Paris.

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