Part 26

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You started waking up with your eyes still shut. The warmth was so comforting and soothing and you didn't want to leave it. Your mind began to wonder where this warmth was coming from, until you realized and felt a set of arms wrapped around you tightly. The last thing you remembered was rolling your head back against the headboard before your world turned black. It's no doubt the question of 'how did I get here?' was burning through your mind.

Slowly, your senses started to come back. In bed, you were wrapped in Liam's arms and his head resting on top of yours as your face was at the crook of his neck. You slightly moved up and this caused Liam to tighten his grip as the tip of your nose brushed against his neck. You couldn't help but inhale his scent, something you certainly hadn't smelled in a while, making you realize how much you've missed it.

You tighten you arms around him as you smiled into his neck, "Liam?" You whispered. Liam hummed in response. "Want chocolate chip pancakes?"

You felt his smile forming on his face on your head. "Yes," he whispered back.

You began to unravel your arms only to have Liam groan in protest and bringing you closer. "Just five more minutes."

You closed the door behind you, letting Liam use your bathroom after finishing your usual morning routine. As you made your way to the stairs, you stopped at Jackson's bedroom, which was open. Quickly checking inside, you noticed Jackson was nowhere to be found. You bolted down the stairs and down the hallway that led to Isaac's room, which as also empty. You checked the rest of the house before going into the kitchen to start breakfast. Were you overreacting? Yes, but you were only making sure the boys did go to school and aren't hiding somewhere in the house. After checking every room, you did one last final check. You closed your eyes and focused. Besides yours, you only heard one beating heart and it was coming from your room.

Good, you thought to yourself as you opened the fridge. You pulled out all the ingredients and placed them on the counter. You grabbed the whisk from the drawer by the sink and a measuring cup from one of the cabinets. All you needed was a bowl.

You opened the cabinet and groaned as you realized it was at the top of the shelf, completely out of your reach and in a spot where it doesn't belong. It belonged in the second shelf where you could reach because you were the only one who makes pancakes. A small part of you couldn't help but wonder if Isaac did it on purpose.

You scowled as your fingertips brushed against the edge of shelf while tippy toeing.

"I got it," Liam stood behind you and grabbed the bowl.

"Thanks," you grabbed the bowl from him and walked towards the kitchen counter top.

"How can I help?"

You shook your head. " You only have one job and that's not till the end, so sit your butt down on the stool and be a guest."

Liam chuckled. "So bossy."

"So, you're in Paris," Liam nodded and rubbed his hands together as he let out a deep sigh, ready to have the conversation, but instead you took him by surprise by taking a different turn. "The ingredients aren't the same as back home, so my chocolate chip pancakes might not taste the same or as good."

Liam relaxed a little, letting out another soft chuckle. "I'm sure I'll still love them. I always have."

"Soooo, I'm assuming everyone knows you're here," you jumped the gun. You wanted to skip the small talk. You were anxious for some answers and this was the prefect time to get them. "Because I haven't received any calls or texts messages from anyone saying you've gone missing or ran away." Liam nodded. "I'm also assuming your parents know you're here, too."

Running Away (Liam Dunbar x Reader - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now