Part 12

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Tuesday Night

The flight back to California was a little bit over 11 hours and they were the longest 11 hours of your life. You tired to sleep but you couldn't. You only drifted off for a few minutes before waking up in full panic mode. You had no connection of any sort to get a hold of Liam or someone from the pack while on the plane. You had no Wi-Fi and the cost for one phone call was outrageous. All you could do is sit in your seat between Isaac and Jackson, and kill time by letting a bunch of questions and assumptions run like a repeated broken record in your mind.

Somehow, Jackson slept through the whole flight. As if he didn't have a single worry in the world. You were absolutely jealous because you needed some rest before arriving to Beacon Hills and hunting down Liam.

Every time you began to shake your leg, Isaac placed his hand on your knee, making the slightest gesture comfort you, and stop pacing, until you began to drum your fingers on your knee or began biting your nails. Isaac grabbed your hand and gave you a tight squeeze, reassuring you everything will be fine. He fought against his sleep, just to keep you distracted from all your worries, but you told him it was okay for him to sleep, and when he did, his head would rest on your shoulder. Even though he wasn't awake, his steady heartbeat is what kept you sane the rest of the flight.

Truth be told, you weren't expecting to return back to Beacon Hills so soon, especially with a new job, but despite Parker being a jerk lately, he understood. He reassured you your job would still be yours whenever you came back in a few days, which is good because that's all you needed, a few days to sort things out, make things right, and head back home to Paris.

As soon as the plane landed on the runway, you turned your phone on. No one left you any text messages or left you voicemails. Something about that gave you a bad feeling. It was as if you were in the middle of the woods and it was dead silent. It's not natural and you knew something terrible was coming. You felt it in your bones.

The second you got off the plane, you called Scott.

"It's Scott! You know what to do after the beep!" The call didn't even ring. It went straight to voicemail. You hung up before you could even leave a message.

You clicked on Lydia's number and you were instantly greeted with her voicemail as well. "Hey, you've reached Lydia-" You hung up as you quickly made your way out of the airport. The boys were right beside you, never a step behind. You looked at them and they both gave you a quizzical look, wondering why Scott and Lydia's phone went straight to voicemail.

"Try Stiles," Isaac suggested but you had already dialed his number.

"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, thank god, Stiles!" A wave of relief washed over you. "Where's Scott and Lydia? They're not answering."

"Lydia's not answering?!" You flinched a little knowing Stiles didn't ask about Scott. You guessed things have only gotten worse between the two.

"No, she's not. Listen, Liam and Hayden are running away-"

"WHAT?!" He screeched through the phone.

"You didn't know?!" You exclaimed back. You'd figured since its been over 11 hours someone would have already noticed the beta and his girlfriend were gone and missing.

"Yes, of course I knew," he said calmly. "Me shrieking implied I knew."

"I don't need your smart ass sarcastic comments right now." You rolled your eyes. "Where do you think he is?"

"I don't know. Where do you think Lydia is?"

"I don't know. Where are you?"

"At the impound lot. Parrish stole one of the vans and left to get another body. I called Theo, he's on his way."

Running Away (Liam Dunbar x Reader - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now