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I was keeping a steady pace making sure my breathing was on point , as I jogged down the street . I was bored today and I decided maybe to get in a jog.

I sung the lyrics to Bryson tiller song sorry not sorry in my head .One of my favorite songs on my playlist right now .

It's been three days since I've last seen or talk to anyone. I would get a few messages , but I always forget to reply . I just been MIA . I haven't done anything productive but watch Netflix and FaceTime Kiarra and my parents.

I truly miss them , like I'm not even kidding . Im kinda home sick , but I'm sure I'll get over it . Right ?

I felt myself slowing down and I looked down at my watch to see it was now 9:37 am. I've been running for at least 45 minutes. That's only because my mind is filled with these crazy thoughts and scenarios of the people that are around me . One person that's been on my mind heavy is Traden . Ohh I wish he could just go away . I feel as though he is bad for me. Then again he still wanders in my mind . How do you get rid of something that is bad for you?

I've mostly been kept to myself . I really miss Dylan too . I don't know where he's been up to but what from aunt cam has told me . He had been in Florida to visit his grandparents.

What Samantha said has also been something heavy on my mind lately . I've learned to only believe half of what you hear. So I'll do just that .

I stopped my music and raised my arms above my head crossing them . I inhaled with my nose and exhaled out my mouth. I was at the entrance of the neighborhood . About 15 minutes from home. I was thirsty and I had a few bucks on me .

I walked out the neighborhood remembering that their was a corner store not to far from here. I hope their wasn't any crackheads asking for money.

I crossed the non-busy road and made it to the chevron gas station . I walked up to the door and I was hit in the face with the smell of cigars. Eww.

I scrunched up my face determined to get this drink. I went in and saw a hispanic man sitting down behind the counter reading a magazine. He didn't even look up at me. There must not be a lot of robberies over her or something.

I went straight to the back looking for my favorite energy drink. Pineapple orange and mango mtn. Dew kick start.
I looked up and down before I finally found it at the very top. I'm only 5'5 so I had to stand on my tippy toes.

I went to the counter and pulled my case off of my phone and found a 5 dollar bill. I pulled it out as the man was ringing up my drink . I handed him the five and he gave me my change back . I smiled as he gave me back 3 and some change. I told him to keep the change and grabbed my belongings.

I walked down the street happy I got my drink . I haven't had one of these since I left Houston . Pure joy . My phone was ringing in my hand and I proudly answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello", I said then slurped on my drink .

"Winsten", I heard my name being called. I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at the caller ID and it said Traden.

"Yes", I tried to sound un bothered. Why is he up anyways?

"Why haven't you been answering my calls I wanted to hang", he said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I don't know I've just been busy", I lied.

"No you haven't you've been in that house I bet", he said in a 'nigga stop lyin' tone.

"No what you right I just didn't want to talk to you", I said being blunt. I laughed at my settle outburst.

"Yeah whateva ", he said feeling played.

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