Chapter 5

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"For our tenth exercise," He gestures to bare field. "Running..."

My heart stops. I hate running and also I'm not very good at it, I'm bound for failure. "Is there anything else we can do?" I ask nervously. We've done a lot of things that I almost ended up passing out on, but running is the one thing that I know will make me pass out.

He laughs before a smirk falls onto his face. "Sorry Clumsy, either this or push ups...."

Push ups are way worse.

With a sigh I follow him towards the beginning of the track. "1 Kilometre?" He asks while looking at me.

I might pass out.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Seriously? I would rather be fed to the wolves," I remark. Number Boy laughs before grinning.

"I bet you're not gonna make it 100 meters without fainting," He says laughing. I'm not that weak.

"Excuse me," I say while placing my hands on my hips. "I can go 2 Kilometres without fainting." No I can't why the hell did I say that?

By the look on his face, I can tell he's going to make me do it. But it's too late to back out now, so I might as well get it over with. Besides if I faint then maybe they'd get sick of always having to fix me and they'll send me home. That way I can go to California with my friends instead of hanging out with a guy with a number as a name.

"Really?" He asks while smirking. "Fine, lets make it 3 Kilometres then." My eyes practically pop out of my head.

"Are you serious?" I ask nervously.

"Totally serious."

"Fine," I stick my hand out. "Winner gets twenty bucks?"

What am I doing?

Number Boy grins widely and shakes my hand firmly. "Thirty five?"

I roll my eyes. I swear that by the end of the summer he'll have my entire wallet. "Thirty, no more."

He nods. "Deal, you're so gonna fail this Clumsy."

I know.


"I can't go any longer..." I pant while stopping in the middle of the field. We've passed at least two and a half kilometres by now, we've been running for days; years. It's impossible for us for us to have passed less than two and a half.

Number Boy turns to me and wipes the sweat brimming on his forehead with the back of his hand. "Tris we're only halfway through it though..."

My eyes widen. "Only," I lean against a tree to catch my breath. "1.5 Kilometres?"

He nods. "You said you'd make it to two, yet here you are and you look like you're on the verge of passing out."

I place my hands on my knees and bend over while trying to catch my breath. I haven't run this much in a long time.

Number Boy begins laughing, but after a good few seconds begin coughing. "Guess I'm not the only one who's tired," I remark while grabbing my water and gulping it down.

My throat is dry from all the air that's passed through it rapidly, and the water clears it up. "That feels soooo good," I say with a smirk. That has to make Number Boy annoyed, knowing he didn't bring any water with him.

He laughs before leaning against the tree opposite me. "Trisss?"

I close the lid of the water bottle with a smug smile on my face. "Yeah..." I know where he's going with this, and I'm not going to give him any water.

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