Chapter 13

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"And then Gale came and told me that they were missing, so I started to get really really scared that something happened to them," Clarissa bounces up and down in front of Mitch's desk.

Tobias rolls his eyes and taps his fingers impatiently against the wood armrest of the two fabric covered chairs in front of the desk, which both of us have been obligated to sitting in.

The sun has set now, and the only thing leaving us light besides the shining of stars is the little lamp that sits on top of Mitch's desk. After lunch, Clarissa acted like a superhero and began running around the kids and started asking if any of them were hurt. And obviously Connor began to hit on her, which honestly I can see why. It's like she's a model.

"I see," Mitch mutters while pursing his lips, switching glances from me to Tobias. "So you two left the camp grounds? Without permission, I might add."

I remember that when I first got here a couple of months ago, how I had to sign a waiver that as a councillor, I can't leave camp grounds. Yet, we did.

So now we're both gonna get our asses kicked. "We didn't mean to get lost, I swear," Tobias protests while running  hand through his hair. "I was gonna show them the lakeshore."

I kick my feet slowly against the wooden panelled flooring, my green, dirt stained Nike brushing with every creak. "Mitch don't you think we should be focusing on the fact that we got back safely rather that how we got lost?" I blurt out slowly, debating on whether or not to finish the sentence.

"You've caused more disruption at this camp than we have ever had," Clarissa snarls while crossing her arms and leaning her back against the wall. I mentally sigh as I realize now that both Tobias and Clarissa have really cool eyes. Tobias has really blue eyes, like he's an alien--which I'm pretty sure he is. And Clarissa has light blue irisis but she has a thick gold rim around the iris, with a black pupil obviously.

Where as I just have hazel eyes.

"No she hasn't," Tobias says genuinely annoyed, rolling his eyes. The expression on his face makes him look like a character in some stupid white girl film. Honest to God he genuinely looks like a male, blue eyed version of Karen Smith from Mean Girls.

Mitch sighs before resting his forearms on his ivory painted desk, his jaw set in a hard line and the ends of his lips curving downwards. That's the only resemblance that I can think of between him and Tobias, they both have downward curved lips, alike me.

"Tris, I believe Clarissa has a point. Because of you, Tobias has become crazy. Not following rules, mischievous, disobeying, car--"

"That's not true!" Tobias exclaims while throwing his hands up in the air. And I have to agree with him, even on the first day we met he was still a total ass. I doubt that my extreme annoyance to him has influenced that.

"Okay I'm sorry," I mutter, feeling my cheeks beginning to turn red. My acting surely has to be convincing enough, because Mitch sighs with exasperation and places a hand to his forehead.

"Uncle, I think that she should be fired!" Clarissa shouts, her fists tight by her waist. Clarissa looks like she's about Tobias's age, yet the way that her face is all scrunched up in anger makes her look like a five year old child who's throwing a tantrum.

"Clare will you just shut up?" Tobias demands while raises his eyebrows up at her. The annoyed demeanour written all over his face makes me think that they're cousins or something. They have to be, I mean by the way that they both share some similliar facial identities, and also by the way they both have really cool eyes. But most obviously she called Mitch 'uncle' so I assume that they might be cousins if not siblings.

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