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it's from my instagram acc lmao i wanted to put a fourtris picture but ended up realizing that all of them are on my ipod and im writing on my laptop. i wanna publish this now be i dunno if i will have time to write within the next week so just decided to finish this.

shameless promo: @divergentmaniac_ is my Instagram acc (it's a fan account by the way)

Dead In The Water - Ellie Goulding


The parking lot is quite crowded as people beginning filling out to go buy themselves a lunch and the conjunction created while cars try to push past the narrow road to get to a McDonalds is frustrating.

I bite the corner of my lip to contain from honking the horn of my car as cars zip past mine, almost hitting me.

UOI is actually a very beautiful looking school, the front lawn filled with plants and flowers while students rush in and out of the building.

I don't know what is taking her so long to leave her class, especially when everyone else has left the hall. Maybe I missed her leaving and she left with her boyfriend to go eat lunch? Or maybe she's in trouble with a professor and won't come out? What if she changed so much that she's right in front of me and I can't recognize her?

Stepping out of the car, an array of light immediately beams down onto my eyes painfully. Having had woken up extra early this morning just to drive all the way here means that I'm excruciatingly tired, but honestly, I really don't care. I'm going to see her.

All those days after she left that I spent laying on my bunk just staring at the wooden ceiling finally feel like they might pay off. The times that I had become totally sidetracked on exams just because I was thinking about her feel like they're going to be worth it. Over these three months of being away from her, all that I could think of was her.

I thought that it wouldn't take that long to finally get over her but it hasn't been easy. Every time I tried to move on from her by talking to a random girl in one of my classes, I would only end up hearing one of the same jokes that she would constantly make to me, resulting in the idea of anybody else not appealing.

Considering the fact that it's March now, I've been talking to Clarissa a lot lately being that she's been complaining about how she misses having somebody to annoy. Apparently they've opened a spring break week of camp and everything is sold out, but they've run low on staff–almost everybody has either been fired or has decided they don't like the job.

So she wants me to come back just for that week but I don't want to go. The only way she could possibly convince me to go is by saying that Tris is going, but God knows that the girl hates working there.

"Where is she?" I murmur to myself while pushing my hands into the pockets of my jeans, my patience running low.

I have a fear that she really has changed so differently that I've missed her walking out. We didn't exchange phone numbers because I completely forgot to ask her, so I really will have no idea if she's left the campus for lunch–hopefully she hasn't.

Being without her for six months has been hard, harder than I thought. Everything is sort of distorted inside of my head lately; I can't tell whether I want her or if I want her. I'm not making any sense. I can't tell whether I want her in a friendly way or if I want her in the same sense that I did six months ago.

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