Chapter 17

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I walk into the cabin with a scowl, anger coursing through my veins. Tris sits on the edge of her bed, squeezing her hair, her shaky breaths audible from here. A scoff escapes me as I sit across from her, and shake my head.

"I can't believe you would—"

"Stop blaming me, Tobias!" She shouts abruptly, her voice making me jump a little. "It's over okay? You and me are not dating, we never were and I don't even want to. And Mitch already made his mind up about me moving to that cabin, so stop trying to change things that you can't change."

You and me are not dating, we never were and I don't even want to.

Everything feels like it's plummeted deep in through my veins, my blood boiling. "If you don't like me then why would you agree to go out with me all this time? So that you could make me think that I was practically in love with you so you could say that it was for nothing?" I question.

Did I just say that I love her?

Tris looks at me with wide eyes, dropping her hands and staring at me. My heart hammers inside my chest, not able to fathom the words that just left me.

"Tobias," She murmurs while frowning, her face looking the mod vulnerable I've ever seen it. It looks like she gave up. She gave up on everything. "we wouldn't work out, anyways. I'm in a different cabin now, everything will change."

I can't help myself from taking her hands in mine, her palms fitting warmly in mine. "How would things change? I'd still work with you, I'd still see you—"

"Tobias, haven't you noticed something?" Tris asks slowly, squeezing my hand gently before leaning her shoulders forward. There is barely any light in the room except the small lamp burning in between the two beds, and it makes Tris's eyes loose the blue in them, only the grey part reflecting into mine.

"We don't talk to each other during work hours, it's only after that when we start talking. After work now, I won't even see you. I'll be going straight to my cabin," She adds, releasing a breath before shaking her head.

I never realized that before. Everything got so blurred that I didn't even recognize how she's right. We don't talk to each other when we're with the kids, we act like we're friends and nothing more nor less. But after work hours are done and everyone is asleep, then we actually bond with each other. Now I won't get to do any of that.

"How about you sleep here? When everyone in that cabin falls asleep you come here and sleep, then we can talk to each other an go get ice cream," I suggest while raising my eyebrows for approval. The idea isn't too easy to compensate, but it isn't so far fetched. It could work out–but it would be very risky.

Tris smiles weakly at me while lacing her fingers in between mine. The gesture has become so normal that I don't find it awkward anymore, I want to have her hand in mine everytime I need to get relief.

"That sounds lovely, but you and I both know that would never work. If we get caught then there's no denying that we might be fired, we will get fired. Both of us," She replies slowly, enunciating each word.

"I-I know that, but I just don't want to not see you," I admit shyly, my ears turning red. Thank God that it's dark outside.

Tris bites down on her lip before standing up and sitting beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I don't want to leave," She whispers while tightening her grip on my hand. Everything screams for me to be able to jump around and kiss her right here, right now, but I can't get the words she said earlier out of my head. It's like they've burned their way into my mind.

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