Chapter 9

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"Tris," I push her blanket covered body, trying to wake her up. We were supposed to be at the entrance ten minutes ago; I just got a text from Zeke. I guess that's what happens when you go to sleep at 4am.

"Clumsy," I groan while pushing her again and a little harder. "Get your lazy ass up."

She doesn't move an inch; it's like she's prone to movement. I've tried everything, I yelled, I whispered, none of it is waking her up. I even blared an air horn that I borrowed from Uriah to get her up.

Mitch is the one who's introducing the kids to us, and I know that I'm gonna get yelled at later on. Even more now that Tris isn't getting up either.

Maybe if I tell him that I have a lazy, obnoxious, annoying and slightly pretty partner that won't get out of her goddamned bed, then he won't yell at me--on second thought I think that would make him yell even more.

"Alright," I cross my arms with a sigh. "I didn't think I'd have to do this but--" Slowly I clench the bottom of her blanket and rip it off her body.

"What the hell?" She jerks out f bed with a gasp, immediately glaring at me as she crosses her arms. She's not wearing a bra.

"You ass!" She shrieks while getting up, grabbing a pillow with her. After several attempts of desperately trying not to stare, I manage to focus my eyes on how terrifying her glare is.

"Clumsy," I mutter while slowly moving backwards. "You're not gonna bring that with you, are you?"

I hope she is. Tris laughs before shaking her head. "No, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you," She yells before tackling me with a pillow.

"Ow!" I yell while blocking my face, I don't need anymore hits to the face. Even if it's just a pillow--that she miraculously has the ability to create a small pain.

"Stop, stop!" I quickly grab the pillow out of her hands and throw it back on the bed.

"Why'd you do that? You could've just told me to wake up," She mutters while grabbing her backpack.

I tried that, you idiot. "Well hurry up, cause they're all waiting for us."

Her eyes widen and she gasps quietly. "Wha--They're here?!" I nod and she rushes to the washroom, and I take that as my lead to leave.

She's an idiot. I laugh and walk out the cabin, immediately greeted with the blistering sun. Right now is when I realize that I shouldn't be wearing a long sleeved, even if it shows the damn bruises Mitch gave me. It's too hot.

But I know that it into that hot, I can survive this--I think. With a sigh I lean my forearms against the banister, and lift my head up trying to see. Our cabin is at the edge of the-as Zeke calls it, Cabin Circle-so it's hard to see the entrance from here. But I do manage to get a glimpse of a crowd of people all packed there.

Sweat begins building on the back of my neck, and I feel it brimming on my temples. And the sweat on my temples is really burning on a bruise--or bruises.

I sigh and turn around, walking back into the cabin. "Clumsy," I call out while reaching beside my bed and digging through my black Nike bag for a shirt. "You're taking forever."

Finally I grab a grey shirt and so I slip my sweater off my body and stuff it back into my bag.

"Well," She yells from the really small washroom that is built into the cabin. "I'm a girl, I'm allowed to take longer than you. And besides, I've been in here for only 5 minutes."

A laugh comes out me and I swiftly throw the grey short sleeve over my head, letting the rest fall down my torso. "Don't tell me you're gonna put makeup on, are you?" Honestly, by her rather annoying and insanely negative attitude towards things, I'm assuming she doesn't wear makeup. Or at least not a lot of it like other people, besides if she is stupid enough to wear makeup in the heat it would probably fall off after three seconds. And that would be hilariously ugly.

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