Chapter 15

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I sigh as I scroll through the medical cabinet trying to find a first aid kit. I can hear the grunts and groans coming out of Thomas, Connor and Beatrice, who I can officially call idiots for listening to Tobias.

"Guys, I'm sorry but here aren't any bandages," I say while closing the cabinet and slumping against the small wooden countertop.

"But Tris," Thomas groans while rubbing his knee, the khaki shorts revealing the red blood slowly oozing it's way out. "my knee!"

"And my arm!" Connor groans.

"Hello you two dimwits, my face has a huge gash on it!" Beatrice scowls while gesturing to the bloody bruise on her forehead.

The fact that Tobias made me take these three to the medical cabin where all the supplies are held. And the fucking nurse isn't even here, which sucks because that means I have to fix their bleeding bones.

My hair which is now tied up in a ponytail, which helps when I run my hands across the back of my neck, feeling the sweat that had built up there. The kids have been here for two weeks, which means that it's now my third week at camp--sadly. I dunno how I survived three weeks of being surrounded by loud kids and an annoying blue eyes guy.

"You're all idiots," I mutter quietly while throwing the sweater over my body, letting it hug my tiny curves as I place it over my tank top. Today we were trying out their skills at climbing over the wooden wall thing, like I did--or at least tried to do--the very first day I arrived here. Yeah, that was also the day that Tobias realized how short I was.

I'm not even gonna mention what else happened on that day that involved him.

Connor, Thomas and Beatrice were on one team and Dasuni, Caroline and Delila were on the other. Tobias chose the teams despite how we were arguing over who should get to choose teams. Thomas got over the wall first, and then Connor. But since Beatrice is relatively shorter than both of the guys, she couldn't get over the wall.

And Tobias, being the genius he is, decides that instead of helping them get her over the wall, tells Connor to climb on Thomas's back to help pull Beatrice over.

And what happened then? Yeah, Thomas fell. Connor fell on top. Beatrice fell onto a rock.

Hopefully they don't tell their parents.

My blue jeans are now having small rips in my knees from all the falling that has taken place. Not even from my own body by because I keep running into Tobias. . .literallty.

Speaking of Tobias, our friendship isn't necessarily the best yet. We still hate each other--but in a playful way. I mean everyday we annoy the living crap out of each other, but he's actually not as annoying as I thought he was when I first met him. And I can clearly say that I think that I might be falling for a guy with a number as a name.

"Here," I say while biting down on my lip, rushing over to the sink and grabbing a stack of brown paper towels from the disposer beside it. Throwing the tap open and letting water seap through the paper, I hand the three of them their own wet paper and watch as they simultaneously place it on whatever body part is bleeding.

Next thing I know is, Beatrice bursts into tears.

Damn it, damn it, damn it, what do I do? When it comes to people crying I'm shally the worst at handling the situation maturely. Either I end up feeling really uncomfortable and sick like I need to leave the room, or I start making fun of them.

But I can't do that here, I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble.

Connor and Thomas awkwardly scoot small steps away from her, leaving me enough room on the bench to sit beside her. Biting on the inside of my sore cheek, I slip into the bench and wrap an arm around Beatrice's shoulder.

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