Just Another Beauty Ch.5

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My head felt a little day as I open my eyes. There in front of me was two pictures, I took a step forward to the first. It had a black gloomy look to it. With a hint of death. I could practically smell the sadness and depression as I entered it, it began to draw a forest which started to appear. Clouds hovered over me replacing the blank look. I shivered a bit as dark soulless eyes scanned my body. I took a step back, but I felt a hard bang on my back. I turned around to see a wall...or was it a gate? I'm not sure. The gate/wall was made of metal. It was a masterpiece with the handcrafts going on with the hinges. I was amazed as I softly brushed my fingertips outlining the lines on the designs. Again, I felt the stares of them watching. I turn, but they're gone. Where could they have gone? The whole forest shook. This must be a dream? I thought to myself, I fell to the ground hard as I was drifting to another scene.

My eyes widened a bit as I stood up. In front of me was the same forest, except instead of the gloomy thing going on. It was all sunny and bright. Otherwise, the feeling of darkness was replaced with hope, life, and happiness. I felt so safe here. I watched as deer and bunnies hopped or ran off to their homes. I smiled to myself as I saw a bunny try to eat his carrot. I leaned in and reached out. “Here, little bunny.” I cooed. It looked over at me. The bunny took one step forward, but thought against it and ran off inside the forest. My smile drifted to a frown. Getting up, I saw the most beautiful thing on earth. No civilization could withstand this. I was staring right at my refection. Not that I'm saying that I'm beautiful or anything, but the rare metal silver and gold swirls around it made it so unique. Mostly like a mirror, but not exactly. It was shining so bright that it was breath-taking. I took a deep breath and thought about my bed room. I took a step inside and everything disappeared. The forest, the bright colors, the animals, the bunny, the gloomy, and life of the forest disappeared. Reappearing before me was my bed. A girl was sprawled on my bed. Her soft blond curls were tousled as she rolled around on the bed. The covers hiding her face. My lips tightened as I tried not to laugh.

A women came in. Her eyes were a pretty shade of gray and green. Her hair was white. Her movements were graceful as she crept toward the windows. She couldn't be thinking what I was thinking? I watched as her lip curved in amusement.

She was. I braced for the light- …....

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!” She sung, as she opened the covers, revealing the sunrise. The girl began to move. My body began to fade as it kept coming toward the girl. What's going on? I pushed myself away from her. I wasn't ready to go back! I wanted to stay and explore around without anyone knowing. Instead a full blast of wind pushed me forward. Getting the message I mumbled, “Okay, okay.”


Taking heavy breaths, I crawl out of my bed into a corner. What just happened? Mrs. White is standing before me with horror in her eyes. Her face completely pale. Did she just see what I saw? I close my eyes adjusting to the light as I held on to my shirt, trying my best to calm my breathing. She's speaking to me again, but I hear nothing. I stay silent as she rushes out of the room and goes to go fetch my mother or father. I'm still in my room, clutching the edge of the wall. I need to get out of here. Was the first thought that came to my mind. I saw the window open. Here's my chance. I'll just leave a note saying I'll be back and just needed to get some fresh air. Doing just that, I race out the window. Good thing that my father placed a ladder on the edge. He said anytime that I needed to escape and clear my mind without anyone knowing was to have a ladder to escape, but he made me promise him that I only use it if it's something not serious. I know, I know. This is serious, but I have to go see her. She been tempting me too much. I take a deep breath as I hear the door to my room open, revealing a loud gasp, which probably came from Mrs. White. I don't blame her for it either. I sprint out of the castle grounds, far enough away that I hardly see it anymore.

Just Another Beauty {~Sequel to Sleeping Beauty~}Where stories live. Discover now