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Flash Sentry⚡️
Boy am I exited for today. Twilight and I are going to meet at 'the shack' in 5 minutes.
I fly across ponyville, and in record time I may add. But on the way I almost crash into an airplane taking off (Long story) and almost have my wings burnt by fire bombs (another long story) but in the end I make it.

I sit on a park bench and look down the stone pathway. I can see the form of another pony, and it's an alicorn! Fur sure it's Twilight. Wait a sec... Her coat is pink! Uh oh, ITS CADENCE!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

I dive into the bushes and wait for her to pass. To my horror she walks right up to the bush and sniffs a flower right beside my muzzle. She pauses and looks right at me. All I can think is 'I'm sooooo busted'. But she walks away!


I let out a long breath of relief. My gaze follows her path and she heads into 'the shack'. Shoot. Now what? I guess Twilight and I will have to change restaurants.
"SHE WHAT???????"

"Sniffed a flower beside my muzzle"



"I cannot believe ruler of the crystal empire would stop to sniff a flower"

Twilight and I sit in a restaurant called 'Randy's Ranch-house' laughing up a story. I don't know about her but I have having a hoot-cananie of a good time. I think that's the type of language they use in the wild west............... Meh, whatever.

I see the twinkle in her eyes that makes me feel like the world is a good place. And that wonderful.
She catches my gaze and we just stare at each other, slightly smiling.

The silence is not awkward at all. In fact I think it's kinda romantic.

Uuuuuugh, there I am again. Always talking nonsense.
But, I really think that was a moment. One of those moments that'll stick.

"Hey Twilight"

"Yeah Flash"

"Can I call you Twi"

".........Sure. Why do you ask"

"Because I think it suits you well. And since we are dating now I should call you something special......we are dating right"

*Blush* "Yes we are. Thanks"
At the end of the day I lay in bed thinking. Twi is such a wonderful pony. No wonder she's princess.
I roll over and frown. Why are we friends? I mean, it's not that I don't want to be her friend but she's a PRINCESS. I'm a no pony compared to her. Shouldn't she be friends with hoity toity and big shots like that? DOES SHE EVEN WANT TO BE MY FRIEND????

I need to have all of these questions answered so I text her. She doesn't reply so I decide to wait. And by wait I mean sleep. I just hope this can all be fixed in the morning.


"Why didn't you text back last night?"

Twilight shrugs " I dunno. I guess I fell asleep before you sent it"

I nod but secretly I know something is wrong.

We go out for lunch but she barely talks at all. She avoided my look and she looks really sad. It's almost like she doesn't want to be here.

"You can go home if you want Twilight"

"Thank you Flash. I just......... need to be alone and think for a bit"

WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN????? A humongous alarm goes off in my head. I doubt that she likes me anymore. I feel like crying. She was my first friend since pre-school because when you want to be a royal don't exactly make a lot of friends. And I though she was special. She was my girlfriend for a day. just shows what a lousy pony I am. I just thought that I could start over. I guess not.

She leaves the table and I let my head bang down flat on the table as I feel tears well up in my eyes.

Mlp: star crossed DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now