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Aaaaaahhhhhh😁😁!!!!!!!! Wedding day!

AAAAAAAAHHHHHH😰😰!!!!!!!!! Wedding. Day!

I cannot believe that Twilight and I are getting married. If you ask me there are a billion things to be worried about. Does my Tux fit? Is my hair ok? Is spike ready? Is Octivia ready? OHMYGOOOOSSSSHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I splash cold water on my face and immediately feel relief. What should I be so worried about? It is my wedding day for pete's sake!

My white dress fits like a glove around me. My hair is pinned up above my face. I look like a queen!

I squeal in excitement and do a little dance. I am getting married to the love of my life. I briefly think about what he will do for money. I stick to my princess thing but he does what? Be my guard? It would probably be quite distracting.

I shrug and rarity bursts into the room.

"Your on soon!!"

I gather my dress and walk with her to the entrance. The bridesmaids have just gone on and Rarity comes to follow. Cadence, looking as pretty as ever falls into line, but not before giving me a wink. My heart squeezes knowing that soon I will be married.

I watch in excitement as our friends and family walk down the aisle. My knees shake a bit. I want to be a good husband for Twilight.

The Violin starts to play here comes the bride and my whole body stops. In the doorway of the chapel stands the most beautiful pony I have ever seen in my life. I fall in love with her like I have just seen her for the very first time. Twilight slowly starts towards me and I just want to grab her and kiss her to death.

She finally makes it up beside me and she gives me a look that says luv ya. I smile and the ceremony goes on.

The after party is so much fun thanks to pinkie pie but one thing makes it all dreadful. Cadence. I gotta talk to her and apologize and hope she does the same.

I slowly walk towards her and she notices me and gives me a semi-sour look. I open my mouth to talk and she holds up a hoof.

"Don't" she says rudely

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry" I mutter

She gives me a look

"I'm sorry too" she says.

"Is it ok that I go back to working for you?" I say hopefully

"Yeah! I would love to have you back" she says

My life is back in place

Mlp: star crossed DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now