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Hey Guys! Sorry for the long wait, I really hope your still reading this.
I will now start writing a new part every week! Keep me in your library 'cuz things
are gonna get exiting
My hooves tingle with excitement as I trot to Rarity's house. I told her to gather up everyone for an announcement.
I fix some loose strands of my mane and knock on her purple wooden door. Rarity, wearing a long satin gown opens it with a smile.
"Hello Dear"
"Hey Rarity! Is everyone here?" I ask hurriedly
"Why yes they are" She says to my relief. I can hardly keep the news a secret any longer from them.

Seven anxious faces look up at me when I sit down in front of them in the living room. I take note of how everything in here looks like it belongs to a queen. Rarity, Flutter Shy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie pie, Sweetie Belle and Spike lean forward when I part my lips to speak.
"Go on" Says Rainbow " Tell us the news"
I glance at Rarity who wasn't supposed to tell them that there was news.
" Well, last week something huge happened" I pause for dramatic effect " FLASH PURPOSED!!"
"AAAAAAHHHHHH" everyone yells in excitement.

*20 minutes of congratulations and praises later*

"Wait a minute" says Sweetie Belle " You never told us if you said yes or not"
Everyone turns to me. "Of course I did"

"YAAY" yells everyone.

"So I was thinking; Rainbow, Rarity, Flutter Shy, Pinky and Applejack; will you gals be my bridesmaids?"
*Lots of hugging and squealing and yes's*

"Sweetie Bell will you do the honours of being the flower girl?"

"YES! Thank you so much!!!"

I smile and turn to spike. "Flash wanted me to ask you if you will be his best dragon"

Spike gasps and runs to me. He hugs me quite tight and nods frantically.

Now I have got my crew

I take a deep breath and knock on Princesses Cadence's door in the crystal empire. Despite the long train ride and freezing cold windchill, I am relived to be here. I need to break the news to Shining Armour (Because I know cadence would not tell him so soon) and I need to meet my niece.
A pony with a grey coat and a black main twisted into two braids opens the door. To me she looks depressed or just deeply tired.

"How may I help you?" She says in a deep raspy voice.
"I would like to see Cadence"
She points her hoof to a room on the far left of the hallway. I nod in thanks and make my way over there. The door is open so I just walk right in. Sitting in a wooden rocking chair is Cadence holding a small filly with a white coat and Multi-coloured main.

"Hello Sis" I say slowly
She turns my way and looks quite startled to see me.

"Oh" she says with anger "Hi Twilight"

I explain how I am sorry and how I want our bond to fix. She doesn't reply immediately so I think she is just ignoring me. But as I turn to leave she says "WAIT! I'm so sorry that I was selfish enough to set you up with Storm Cloud but...."

"But what?"

"But I did not want to lose my best guard to you"

I nod and don't say anything. What she did was wrong but I can't stay mad at her forever. Isn't several months enough?

"Be my best Maire!"

She opens her mouth in shock. Her eyes move back and forth in thought. I bite my lip in nervousness.

"You sure?"  She asks


She bursts into tears, happy ones and grabs me in a hug. I hug her back and smile. Our bond is back!

Mlp: star crossed DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now