Chapter 2:Secret place

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I don't like crying in front of people, but I was starting to feel stupid about running away like that. I got back to class in time for second period, but Kale wasn't there. He must still be skipping. As I sat down, and everyone else was talking and standing, someone walked up from behind me. "Hey E."

My 'friend', Lauren, sat down in the chair next to me. Each classroom was like one you'd see at a college, and I always sat at the top, near the door. I looked to my left and nodded. "Hey, Lauren." She was the nicest person around here. We'd talk every day in class, but whenever she asked me if I wanted to hang out, I'd say I'm busy or I've got homework to do.

"You were late for first period." I nodded. "I slept in and the door was already locked when I got here." She looked at me worried. "Maren and her group weren't here either. Did you run into them?" I looked down at my notebook without emotion. "You did, didn't you?" She sighed. "Come by room after class and I'll take a look."

I nodded as the classroom door opened and Lauren went back to her seat, two rows down. Lauren's parents were doctors. They sent her hear to learn the business, so she knows a lot. I go to her when I'm hurt instead of the infirmary.

I was ready for the teacher to say "Get in your seats class." but he never did. Instead, someone sat where Lauren just was and put their books there too. "Hey stranger." I looked over and saw Kale. He had a smile on his face. I looked away and saw half of the class looking at us. Probably wondering 3 things:

1) Why is Kale here in class this early?

2) Why is he smiling at me?

3) Why is he talking to me?

I was wondering the same questions. "I never did get your name." I was tired of his 'flirty' game. I looked over at him and faked a smile. "Ellain Mackey." I expected him to frown, get up and leave, but instead he just smiled more. "See, now that wasn't too hard. I thought you'd have a cute name." Now I was dumbfounded, and I couldn't help but blush a little. Quickly, I let my hair block my face. That's why I had long hair. Half the time, I used it as a wall between me and everyone else.

I was overjoyed when the teacher walked into the room after that and class started, but Kale wrote in a small notebook and pushed it over to me.

So you were skipping class earlier too? I just nodded and kept pretending to listen to the lecture so he'd leave me alone. He took the notebook back. Why were you crying?

I grabbed my pencil. I wasn't.

Liar. He smiled at me. I saw you.

You don't talk to too many people do you? I was starting to get annoyed with this, and so was the teacher, who kept giving us warning looks.

What's the point? They're either boring or annoying to talk to anyway. I nodded, holding in a laugh. He was right about one thing at least. So, are you doing anything for lunch? Just as I finished reading the note, the teacher came up, closed the notebook and handed it back to Kale. Wow, only a warning? Kale must intimidate him to get a warning, and these teachers are almost never intimidated.

Soon, lunch came around and I quickly left the room before Kale or Lauren could talk to me. If I got to the cafeteria in time, I could actually get food without running into anyone, or having them push me and take my food. I didn't bother going to my locker and went straight to the cafeteria. No one was there yet except for a few stray people.

As fast as I could, without running, I grabbed a tray, put a chicken sandwich, apple and water on it, and paid for my food. As I started to walk out, and head for my secret place, I saw people were coming through the door already. Oh no...

Before I could move, I felt someone push me from behind, making me fall forward, drop my food, and have the water bottle break open and drench everything, even me. I landed on my elbows, so I didn't get too hurt, but my back ached. Looking up, I saw and heard everyone laugh at me. I stood up and turned around, seeing a guy I'd 'rejected' several days ago.

He was smirking and laughing too. Turning back around, I saw Lauren looking at me sad... and Kale. Lauren tried to get past the crowd of mockers. No, I'm not going to let her defend me and get bullied too! I stood up and quickly walked out of the exit door behind me.

After no one could see me, I ran to MY place. The only place I was ever at peace. The school was surrounded by trees and a small forest. There were many paths to lead you to places. The lake, the city nearby, the sports areas. The place I was going didn't have a marked trail to lead me there, but I knew exactly where to go. I ran for a few minutes through wild trees and bushes until I found it.

Originally, it was a small clearing with really soft, green grass. After I found it the first time, I turned it into a garden full of color, full of flowers and shrubs with flowers in them. That was a little over a year ago. Now, there were walls of bushes and shrubs around the clearing, to hide the garden from animals and, more importantly, class mates. There was only a small whole that I ducked under to get inside, but I always kept it covered with dead sticks.

I crawled through the whole and sat, surrounded by flowers. Their smell always calmed me down. It was around noon, so the sun was shining almost directly down at me and the garden, drying my cloths and warming me up. I laid there for about an hour or two, according to the sun. I didn't care about class. If I went back, then Lauren would only worry about me more and Kale wouldn't leave me alone.

Actually, now that he's seen me get bullied, maybe he will leave me alone. I'm...happy about that? I've always been left alone, and I've been okay with it being like that. I think. I use to have friends to laugh with and hang out, but...after that night...not anymore.

I stood up, stretched, and walked out of my sanctuary, back into hell. No, that school wasn't hell...Not by a long shot.

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