Chapter 3:Deal

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As I made my way back to the school, more people were outside. Joggers, athletes, friends going down to the city. I ignored everyone I walked by, looking at the ground, until I ran into somebody. I would've fallen on my butt, but I felt arms go around my back, catching me.

"Hey there." I looked up and saw none other than Kale. I stood up on my own, pushed his arms away, and started walking away. "Thanks." I hoped he wouldn't follow me. No such luck. "So, do you have plans later?" I shook my head. Maybe if I walk fast enough he'll leave me alone. I quickened my pace.

"What about now?" I shook my head. "I have to go see someone." I mentally thanked Lauren for giving me an alibi. "Wow." He stopped walking and shook his head, which made me a bit angry. Angry enough to stop walking, turn around, and frown at him. "What?" He just chuckled, shaking his head. "Nothing."

I frowned even more and glared at him. "If you have something you want to say, say it." He raised an eyebrow. "Touchy, touchy." He mocked me. I looked away. "I just...don't like it when people don't say what they really feel." He appeared in front of my face. "What about you then?" I somewhat blushed and turned around. I have to get away from this guy before he hurts me.

"I was just thinking about how you lied." I didn't turn around, but my voice sounded as ticked as I was. "When did I lie?" I heard him chuckle. "When should I count? There was when you lied about crying, when you 'skipped' class, and right now, when you said you have to meet someone." I started walking away again and went into the school. "Am I wrong?"

He's STILL following me? I towards the stairwell steps. "Yes and no. Now leave me alone." I opened the door and headed up the steps. When I looked back, I saw he was standing there. "Are you stalking me for a reason?" He nodded. "I'm trying to understand you..." I was taken back, but recomposed myself again. "I was crying, I was late, but then skipped class, and I really AM meeting someone."

"A guy?" I shook my head. "A girl?" I nodded. "You're gay?" I shook my head. He smiled. "Perfect. Then why don't you be my fake girlfriend?" I frowned, confused. "What do you mean?" He walked up to the step below the one I was standing on, but we were eye level. "Consider it a business deal. If you agree to pretend to be my girlfriend, then I'll stop anyone who bully's you."

"Why would you do that?"

He shrugged. "If I'm taken, then girls will leave me alone." He smiled. "I'll let you think about. Find you later!" Before I could speak, he ran back down the steps and through the door. What just happened? When I got to Lauren's room, she wasn't there, so I waited outside of her door.

There wasn't that many people in the hall. Then again, it was Thursday. Friday had all of the sports games, so they were all practicing today and the shallow girls would watch them. Thursday also meant club meeting day, which a majority of the students did belong to clubs. Lauren must be at hers.

I was one of the rare students that didn't join clubs. It wasn't because I wasn't interested. It was because no one would LET me join. A I stared at the floor, I thought about what Kale said. I did want it all to stop, but what could he do? And why did he choose me anyway? I sighed.

"Hey there." I looked up and saw the boy who pushed me earlier. Josh. He was grinning. "Did you have a nice lunch?" I frowned and turned to walk away, but he pushed his arms on the wall between each of my sides. "So, are you still going to refuse my offer?"

I nodded fiercely. "You're a pig, Josh." He raised his hand and slapped me. "And you're a bitch. At least I can live with myself for what I've done, but nearly everyone knows what you did last year." After he hit me, causing my face to look to the side, I didn't move.

He was right. I didn't move and kept looking down. "I'm going to keep at this until you reap what you sow." I saw him raise his hand again and slowly close my eyes. When nothing happened, I opened them and they became wide. "What the..." I heard Josh say.

Kale was holding his hand by the wrist, tightly as far as I could see. "Is there a problem here?" Lauren was behind Kale, frowning. "No problem here. We were just talking." Kale frowned. "If that's true then why did we just see you hit her?" Kale squeezed his hand tightly. "Ow, stop!" Josh hollered.

"Not until you apologize for what you did." Josh looked over at me, furiously in pain. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "I didn't hear you." Kale venomously said. I was a bit shocked, and scared. Kale always seemed too lazy and weak to do something like this. "I'm. Sorry." Josh said loudly and clearer. Kale let him go and he grabbed his wrist in pain.

(picture at the top, blonde is josh, black haired is Kale)

"What's with you Kale? It's not like you to stand up for chicks you don't know." Josh said painfully. I probably shouldn't have said this, but Kale proved himself just now. "He's my boyfriend." I said defensively. Josh stared at me with shock and confusion, so did Lauren, but Kale just smiled.

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