Chapter 25: Before the talk

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(Ellain's POV)

The next morning, Riley and Scott left. Lauren told me that she and Scott kissed and he asked her out just before he left. Since Westly was back, I didn't have to work as much as I had before on the garden. We basically split the duties in two. Every other day he taught me new things I didn't know, and I would study in the library.

When I wasn't taking care of the garden, I was either in the barn with Andy, helping him take care of the animals and talking, cleaning or doing other duties as a maid, or helping the cooks by collecting the fruits and herbs in the garden and fields.

I worked like this during the weeks, Kale too. He'd work all week a lot of the day. Lauren would stay in the library or her room the whole day, studying medical books that her mother and father gave her. She was really dedicated to becoming a doctor like her parents. At the end of the day, we all ate together and hung out for an hour or two.

I had the weekends off, Lauren took a break with studying, and Kale worked extra on the morning weekdays so that he could get the weekends off too. During them, we would hang out, watch movies, play instruments, and Kale would continue teaching me and Andy how to swim.

With every week that passed, I began to dread the new up-coming school year. I knew I'd have to face it and Mike then, but the sooner it came, the more on edge I felt. Finally, the time came when we had to return to the school, a few days before the first day of school.

I packed up my bags the day before, after doing my laundry and completing my final day of work. Genny gave me my last day off, planning a small going away party. It was just a nice brunch with everyone in the kitchen; the maids, cooks, Westly, Tomas, Andy, and of course Lauren and Kale.

When everyone was finished and the dishes were cleaned up, they all went back to work except for Tomas and Genny. Genny was smiling as Tomas handed me an envelope. "For you."

I looked at them, Kale and Lauren with curiosity at their smiles before opening the envelope. Inside was a check. Looking at the amount, my mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. I looked back up at Tomas who had a genuine smile on his face. "I believe that is your pay for all the work you've done, plus a small bonus."

My mouth continued to stay open in shock. I never talked about my pay, since I was housed and got food from them too. I assumed they would just pay me minum wage. Working minimum wage for an average ten hours a day for 8 or so weeks would give me about 4000 dollars. But, the amount on the check was for 5800.

"Consider it a bonus." I turned around and saw Kale's father. He was smiling. "And an early birthday present." I smiled. My birthday was the first day of school, even though the only ones who knew about it were Kale, his father, and Lauren; not counting my parents who either send a card and gift or stop by.

The headmaster walked up to me and held out his hand. "I'd aslo like you to come back next summer. Think of it as a request to come back next summer." I nodded and smiled, shaking his hand. "Thank you, sir." He pulled his hand away and nodded. "I hope you'll keep your grades up as well."

I chuckled and nodded. "I have to go back to the city soon, to the office. So, I won't see you off tomorrow, but I'll see you at the school for orientation as juniors." Kale nodded and put his arm around me. "We'll be cleaning out our rooms when we get there and go shopping the day after."

The headmaster nodded. "Don't forget to talk to your dorm supervisor about the housing situation. There are more students this year so you're more than likely to have a roommate or two." I nodded with them, feeling a bit disappointed. I wonder who my room mate will be...

That night, Kale and I went back to the field and watched the stars, just like the first night we spent here. It was nice and quiet. There were a few crickets around, but neither Kale nor I spoke. It felt like hours since we got there when Kale leaned over and kissed me. "Come on. We should get to bed. We're getting up early tomorrow, remember?"

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