Chapter 22: Losing it (WARNING)

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Warning: This chapter is what my friend, idk9...likes to call, "full of 'cardio'." AKA: adult content. If you don't want to read it, or you are under 18, then skip this chapter and move on to the next one. I figured those of you who don't care for writing like this should have the option to not read it by choice.

Kale began kissing me tenderly again, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my lower back. I wrapped mine around his neck. The more we kissed, the faster my heart was beating. I thought I was going to have a heart attack or it would jump out of my chest. Holding me tightly, Kale led me over to the bed, guiding my body with his.

I sat down at the end of it. Neither of us broke the constant strand of kisses. When I sat down on the bed, Kale raised his hands to my mid-back, laying me down carefully. Then, he laid himself slowly onto me, our legs hanging off the edge of the bed. As I was placed down, he moved his lips to my chin and down my neck, making me shiver and quietly moan.

His lips were moist, warm, and soft. As they left one spot to reach the next, my body felt like it was getting hotter and hotter from his touch. Normally, this would be the part he stopped, saying how he wanted to be gentle with me and wait, but this time, he didn't. Instead, he stopped leaning on his elbows, took his left hand, and put it against my right cheek, lightly stroking it as he kissed my neck and moved towards the gap between my neck and shoulder. His hand was also holding my head there, passionately.

When he reached a certain point, a shock went through me, filling my body with ecstacy. Gasping, my body tensed up and he stopped, looking at me smiling. "There it is." I pouted for a moment, wanting to slap him for ruining this moment. "You're really teasing me right now?" I asked a bit anoyed.

He smiled at me with his genuine smile. "I won't anymore. I do it with love." That last word made me forgive him for the moment, but I probably wouldn't let it go after we were done. Leaning forward, he started to lick the same spot that made me tense up. This time, I jumped, gasping and then moaning. If Kale wasn't lying on me, I probably would have jumped off the bed.

As he heard me moan, while he licked my spot, I felt something poke my upper thigh. It belonged to Kale, and I had a feeling it wasn't his phone or the room key. It was his. Without intending to, I kicked my shoes off as Kale led my body up to the front of the bed, so my head was lying on the pillows. I heard and felt him moving his feet, too, kicking off his own shoes. I was glad that those heels were off, and a bit surprised that they came off so easily.

Kale started kissing my lips again, moving his right hand to my face, like his left. Slowly, he moved his hand down my neck and stopped at my chest, making me jump again. I would have gasped like I had been, but Kale had my lips locked, and threw away the key. As he kissed me, while he was groping me, I felt his tongue lick against my lips.

When I didn't open them to let him in, he used both of his hands and back his lips away. I gasped, feeling hotter, and he took the chance to enter my mouth. I wanted to curse him for doing that, felt good. He seemed different right now. He seemed...loving, yet possessive and in control of me. It felt like whatever or however he moved, he made my body react the way it did.

Kale continued to the point where my body couldn't take it any longer. He knew that it was driving me crazy, making me want him even more. Quickly, I kissed him back furiously-passionate and unbuttoned his shirt while I did. When he felt what I was doing, and the buttons were off, he took his arms out of the sleeves and threw the shirt away, causing it to fly somewhere around the bed.

He then stroked his hand from my knee up to my upper thigh, making the dress go up with his hand. I tensed up at that part, my skin tingling. When my dress and his pants were off, and both of us were in nothing but our underwear, I knew I was ready. My heart, mind, and body wanted him.

We started kissing again when his hand went down to my underwear. Taking his hand, he cupped it in between my legs and rubbed his hand up and down. I couldn't suppress the moan that escaped from my lips. God I hoped these walls were soundproof. I didn't know how loud I actually was, but to me, I sounded slightly annoying and louder than what I might have really been.

In rythm to how we were kissing, Kale continued to rub me, making me want more. Pulling his lips away from mine, he kissed down to my bra. Skillfully, he took it off with his left hand and threw it away where the other cloths were. Then, he kissed my breasts, kind and slowly at first, but then he began licking and massaging them.

All of this was driving me crazy. I didn't think I would ever feel anything even similar to this. All of my pleasure was building up, and I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was going to burst any second now. My moans became louder and longer, my voice not even sounding familiar to me. Just when Kale started to slow down, and I thought that I wasn't going to burst, he opened his mouth and sucked on my nipple. As he did, he flicked the nip with his tongue.

Without warning, or the chance to stop this moment, the pressure increased rapidly and then...the release! Suddenly, I could feel myself completely wet where Kale's hand was. My body that was once tense was now almost limp and the heat I felt was barely there now.

Kale looked up at me, lifting his hand. "Do you still want to do this? We can stop right now." I shook my head. My stamina started to return to me. Surprisingly, I wanted more... I shook my head. "I want you to feel good too." He smiled and nodded, slowly taking my underwear off. While he took his boxers off, he stared at me, making me feel self-conscious.

Leaning towards me, hands on either side of my head, he looked at me nervously. "It's going to hurt when I first put it in, so you're going to have to bare with me." I nodded, preparing myself. Slowly, he leaned in closer and I began to feel it the moment it started going in. Cringing, I bit my lip and surpressed a wimper.

He seemed reluctant to continue at first before delving into me further, causing me to quietly cry out. I just wanted it to stop, but I knew that wasn't going to happen, and it would feel better in a minute, I hope. Finally, it was all the way in and I bit into Kale's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind. In fact he asked if I was alright. I just nodded.

"I'm going to start moving now." He warned before he did, slowly. At first, it hurt again, although not as much. Nearly several minutes rolled by when the pain turned fully into pleasure.

Kale began to use some kind of rhythm, like before. I continued to moan and melt from the pleasure that came with every movement forward and back. Taking my arms, I wrapped them around his neck and pulled him down for a short kiss. He then leaned on his left arm and used his right to hold my cheek softly as he stared down at my pleasure-engulfed face.

He...didn't seem to be as satisfied as I was. I put my hand on his chest, signaling him to stop momentarily. "If you want to go faster, it's alright." Smiling briefly, Kale nodded and did so, making me nearly scream. I held onto his back tightly and threw my head back.

It was like he was a new person. He was usually kind, kidding, and sweet (sometimes). Now, he was being strong and aggressive, giving no inclination of stopping this time. Is this what lust was? If so, Kale must be lusting after me very fiercely, even though that was probably the most self absorbed thing I've ever thought before. It seemed very true at the moment.

The pressure build up started happening again. Although this time, my body was starting to feel sore even though I didn't orgasm yet. Kale was being so rough, yet passionate. It was going to be overwhelming any second now. "Oh, Kale..." I screamed his name and we both climaxed at the same time.

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