Chapter 18: Romance

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Kale was the headmaster's son?! I guess that explains how he knew about my story...I sat beside him at the table while his father sat across from us. The maids brought out the food, placed it on the table, and left. I took a piece of chicken and some salad.

While Kale and his father took food, I couldn't help but glare at Kale. I knew his father was a business man, but...damn him for not telling me that his father was the headmaster or that he was the one who hired me. Now I felt like I didn't earn the job.

"So, Ellain, what do you think of the manner?" I looked up at the headmaster and smiled. "It's very beautiful. It seems old and new at the same time, if that makes any sense." I said lightly laughing at the last part. He nodded. "That's good That's exactly how I wanted it to be from the start."

"Are you ready to start tomorrow?" Kale asked before taking a bite. I nodded. "Yes, I've been preparing since I got here." The headmaster smiled. "That's good to hear." He paused between bites. "I'll be here for the next three days, until Sunday, before I have to leave for more business. I'd like to have dinner with you both until then."

I looked at him sheepishly. "Would that be alright? I do work for you technically." He smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course. You still are together with my son. I want you to not be intimidated by the fact that I'm your boss and headmaster. Kale's had his whole life to feel intimidated by that."

We all laughed together, and I could feel the mood was instantly lightened. I nodded, smiling. "Alright then. I'd like that too." We ate together, making small talk about school, business, and the manner. When dinner was over, the headmaster stood and excused himself. "I have to work now. I'll see you both tomorrow."

"Have a good night, headmaster." As he climbed the stairs, he looked back at me with a smile. "Goodnight Ellain. Goodnight Kale." I sighed when he was out of sight. "Someone seems relieved." I looked up at Kale and frowned, slapping his arm. "Ow, violent much."

I scoffed and walked away. "Serves you right. How could you not tell me that the headmaster was your father?" Kale just shrugged. "I wanted it to be a surprise, and besides, if I'd told you before then you wouldn't have accepted the job." I couldn't help but sigh in defeat. He was right about that.

Kale took my hand and kissed it. "You look really beautiful in that dress." I smiled lightly but kept frowning so that he'd know I didn't forgive him. "You don't look too bad yourself." He smirked. "Come on. Let's go for a walk." I nodded as he led me to the back. "So where were you all this time?"

He smiled as we walked down the stone path. "Around." I frowned with a small grin. "Are you planning something else?" He shrugged and laughed, holding my hand tighter and running straight, taking me with him. "Come on." I panted as I was pulled by him."Kale?" He just laughed, making me laugh too.

We ran straight, not turning towards the barn or garden. I frowned, confused. We were heading for the forest. "Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with him and carry my dress at the same time. He slowed down and turned around, smiling at me. It was already dark out. I felt like both of us were walking around blind.

Then, I saw something. It was a light ahead of us. As we walked closer, hands still entwined, I saw it was a glass lantern hanging from a tree. Kale walked up to it, lifting it up and using it to point ahead of us. "After you milady." I smiled and walked ahead of him. The lantern showed a small path, which I walked on.

We kept walking until the forest ended and we were in a wide, open field, filled with flowers and thick grass. I smiled and turned around, watching him smiling back. "What's this?" He held up a finger and took my hand again, slowly leading me into the field. We walked for about a minute before a blanket was laid before our feet. "Lay down on your back." I gave him a questioning look, but he just pointed down.

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