Chapter 10: Awkward...again

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Voices filled the hallways. As I walked out of the cafeteria, I looked to my left, where people were running to. "Come on." A girl who ran past me looked back at her friend who was trying to keep up with her. "They're posted already? We only just took our finals." The statement made me realize what's going on.

"The results must be posted outside the classrooms." That's how it was. After finals, the teachers post all of the scores outside of the classrooms, the same day summer vacation officially started, for most people anyway. I felt a hand on my head from behind me, petting me like a cat. "So, you wanna go look?"

I already knew who it was; Kale. "What's the point? I studied for the past few weeks, when you weren't bugging me." I groaned, lifting my head, seeing that our noses were touching. He was so much taller than me, and I liked it, but I'd never tell him that. He smiled at me, but I filled my cheeks with air and blew in his face, making his hair flail everywhere. He jumped back, surprised and pouted. I couldn't help it... I laughed a little bit.

He shrugged and started walking away. "Oh well. I'll tell the guy I know that you can't work, since you failed your finals and have to go to summer school." He seemed so serious. I rushed over to him, following him down the carpeted hallway. "What?!" I called, grabbing his upper arm. What I didn't expect was how strong it felt, like it was made of pure muscle. As soon as my hand touched his arm, he quickly turned around and wrapped his arms around me, causing me to be crushed into his chest.

"Gotcha!" He snickered and laughed. I felt crushed and tried to get away from him, but he was way too strong, demonstrating how strong his mousles really were. I felt like a fish trying to get out of a net. Kale just kept laughing and 'hugging' me. "Kale, let her go." I heard a sigh and saw someone pull Kale by his collar, from the back. I was instantly released and saw it was Lauren, looking tired. "Can't you see she couldn't breath?"

"Yo." Scott and Riley appeared behind Lauren. Lauren let go and backed up as Riley put Kale in a headlock. "Hey man! Where've you been?" They wrestled for a bit, before Scott got between them and put both of them in a headlock. "It's been a while since we all hung out." He said, smiling. Lauren and I laughed for a minute, before she looked over at me. "And don't worry. Kale was just playing around. I already looked at our grades. You got in the top five best scores." I nodded, sighing and glared at Kale, but he just smiled at me.

The trio of guys pulled apart. "I've been tutoring Ellain." Kale said, smiling. I scoffed. "Yea right; more like distracting me from studying." Riley walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder, smiling. "Really? Just how is he distracting you?" He had a perverted look on his face. "Show me." Kale frowned and put Riley in another headlock, pulling him away from me. "Like I told you man, she's mine."

Lauren laughed with Scott as they fought each other again. I don't know if Riley was serious or not about that 'show me' comment, but whenever he and I are talking, Kale gets really jealous. I looked over at Lauren. "So, do you know what time the parents are going to show up?"

The week after finals, people leave the school, parents show up to pick some up, and nearly everyone leaves. Since today was the first day of vacation, most of the people will be leaving soon. My parents were coming to pick me up. I decided it was a good idea to go to the cabin. Lauren shrugged. "I don't know. I'm going to be leaving tomorrow night. Scott and I are going back to my step-dad's house. My mom and dad are busy with work."

I nodded. "I haven't heard from my parents yet. All I know is that they're going to be here today. No idea when though." She nodded and smiled. "I've got to pack still so I'll see you later." I said, walking away and waving. I'd see Kale later, so there's no reason I have to wait for him to stop 'fighting' with Riley.

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