Chapter 4

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You were done with your shift for that day. You walked inside the kitchen,only to see Amber screaming at her phone.

"So you're just going to end it like that? I meant nothing to you? At all? I'm ending this conversation I wished a never met you,"Amber said angrily before storming out of the kitchen.

Amber saw you standing there and put on a fake smile.You heard everything she said, you knew she wanted to avoid it.

"What happened?'

"Nothing,nothing at all,"

"I heard everything, now tell me,"

Amber sighed, she knew she couldn't escape from you.

"He...He cheated on me,"She said almost bursting into tears.

"What!?With who?!"

Amber took out her phone and showed you some pictures of Henry and another girl hugging and kissing outside a hotel.You squinted your eyes as the quality of the picture was not quite good. When you realized who was it, your mouth was hanged agape, it was non-other than the famous, Sulli.

Sulli was one of your classmates when you were in middle school.She was one of your good friends but not best as Amber had already took that spot.She was a smart girl, she didn't need to study or should I say do anything at all to achieve her good grades.Until a dreadful thing happened.
It was just a normal school day,students were quickly rushing to their respective classes,some were busy chatting with their other school mates.

Sulli was as usual playing on her phone in class.It was the day of the final exams.The exam that would determine their future. Sulli did not study at all, all she did was to play games.She thought she could achieve the highest marks as usual but she was so wrong. An F marked with red inked pen as written on the paper.

You can't even feel how much pain she was in. That was when everything turned upside down.
*End of Flashback*
Furious,you stomp your way to the canteen and scanned through the crowd.When you found Henry, you sped towards him and grabbed his collar.

"You Bastard! Why do you have to break her heart?Do you know how lucky you are?!"

Jongin saw the fight between both of you and dashed to you. he hugged you by the back to refrain you from hurting Henry anymore.

"Hyung!Quickly!Go now!"

When Henry heard that, he sped into one of the laboratories.

"Ya!Let me go!"You said slapping his arm.But it was no use,he was too strong fro you.

"Only if you promise me not to hurt anyone after I let you go,"

"Fine!You win!Now,let me go!"

Jongin released you from his muscular arms.

"T..tell,w...what happened?"Jongin said panting.

"Henry cheated on Amber with another girl,I was just trying to teach him wjat happens when you mess with Amber"You said crossing your arms.

"Just because of this you are trying to kill him?Are you crazy?!"

*Coughts*"TEACH HIM A LESSON, get your words right,"

"Well,you did.Now let's go home,"

"Since when did I started going back home with you?"

"The day I met you,now come on.Let's go,"

Jongin grabbed your hand and leaded you out of the hotel.But you didn't see his limo.

"Where is your car?"

"I just felt like walking you back home,"

"W..walking me?Back home?"

"Yes,is there a problem?"


"If that is so,let's go!"

Jongin held your hand and both of you walked towards your house side by side. Both of you were quite during the whole journey.You took a quick glance at him and started blushing. There was just something you were feeling everything you were alone with him, a feeling that you never ever felt before.

Your mother was at the doorstep,waiting for you to arrive back home.When she saw you, she called out for your name.

"Jaeyeon-ah!Quickly I cooked some of your favourite dishes today!"

Your mother sae you with another guy.You were about to bid goodbye to him when..."Who is that guy?"

"H..He is my friend," you stuttered.

"Ah,I thought it was your boyfriend," your mother said teasingly.


"Hello Auntie, nice to meet you.I'm your daughter's friend,Kim jong in." He said bowing 90 degrees.

"Mind if you join us for dinner?" Your mom said.

"Erm..of course I would love too,"


You whispered to him,"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course!Now let's go eat, I am famished,"

Both of you walked into your small little cottage and straight into the kitchen.Your mother had displayed the utensils on the table and began serving the dishes.You helped your mom to lessen her difficulties while Jong In made himself home.

"Wow!This are all my favourites!"

"Really?Because they are Jaeyeon's too.You two are the perfect pair!"

"Mom!We are just friends!!!"You said blushing.

The three of you started eating and enjoying your conversations.After the hearty dinner,Jong In went back home.

You were preparing to go to bed as the assignment Mr.Kim asked you to do was finalky finished. You jumped onto your bed and began your beauty sleep until your phone rang.

Hi! The dinner was quite fun! Hope to see you tomorrow my "girlfriend"

From:Jong In^^

You blushed at his message.

To:Jong In^^
Don't take my mother's words too serious. Good Night~


Your phone rang again.

Okay,good night yeobo~~

From:Jong In^^

After receiving that message, you regain your energy and slept happily away.
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