Chapter Ten - Hani Bani twins

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Chapter Ten - Hani Bani twins

It was 10 am, Friday morning and 10 hours more, students from Sky High are expected to come to the venue. And Min was getting ready with her makeup.

"Min!" Her mom called from the kitchen. "Eat your breakfast now!"

"Yes mom!"

She had to eat earlier than anyone else because if she doesn't, her step father wouldn't eat at all. Everyday, her step father will go home at 4 in the morning and would wake up at 12 in the afternoon. Basically, he didn't like seeing Min eat with them. For some reasons. Not that he hates her or something. It's just that, he feels awkward because he just married her mother. And it was the same for Min. Except that she didn't like eating with him because he's not her father at all.

"Here," her mom placed some fried rice and eggs on the table. "I tried talking to your fathe-"

"Step father." She corrected. "Then let him eat with me. I don't know his problem. All I know is that he isn't my father."

She took a bite of rice and stood up. "I need to go to my friend's house so I could prepare." Then left.


Jeonghan woke up and saw Haneul sleeping. She was sitting on the stool beside his bed and her head was leaned on the bed, just beside his body.

He touched her hair and that made her wake up. "Good morning." He greeted, smiling warmly.

"Good morning," she greeted back. "how long have you been up?"

"Not so long." He replied. "It's 10 am now."

"And?" Haneul said, sitting properly.

"Go home."


"Because you only have 10 hours left to prepare for the dance later."

Her eyes widened. "Oh dear." Then she realized, she looked like she cared a lot about the dance. "Hey, not that I care. I just need to prepare earlier becau-"

Haneul stopped talking when she noticed Jeonghan smiling teasingly at her. "Okay maybe I care 30%?"

"Really?" Jeonghan didn't stop teasing. "Oh really?"

"Yes!" She yelled. "Now, I shall go home so I can prepare because I HAVE TO BE THERE EARLIER THAN ANYONE ELSE and not because I'M EXCITED FOR IT. Goodbye."

"Okay Haneul, Okay." He replied, laughing. "Oh, btw I sent a makeup artist and a stylist. They may be there right now waiting for you."

"Eh?! That's too much Jeonghan." Haneul said.

"And you said that too late." He winked. "Now, go!"

"Okay huhu. Thanks a lot Jeonghan! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

She blushed so suddenly when he said those words. It was weird that she looked so cheerful despite the fact that Jeonghan is confined in the hospital.


"Ahhh!" Haneul screamed in fear.

Basically, the moment she went inside her apartment room, she saw two girls sitting on the couch. They were smiling which made her screamed in fear.

"Who are you?!" She asked, voice shaking.

The two girls, who seemed twins looked at each other and blinked a couple of times. "What did we forget?" They chorused. "Right! Introduce, introduce!"

Then they turned their heads to the terrified, lass. "I'm Hani and this is Bani and we are here to style you for the dance later. Jeonghan sent us here. It's 11 am now so meaning you have 9 hours left to prepare."

She could recognize both quickly due to the fact that Hani had a mole on her chin while Bani didn't have any.

"You look skinny but not super skinny." Hani said, standing up to check on Haneul. "You need to eat. You look unhealthy though."

What? Haneul said in her mind.

"I eat vegetables and fruits everyday. I do not eat much junk foods nor drink much softdrinks. Why do I look unhealthy?" Haneul said, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Because of those bags under your eyes." Bani stated, now standing up only to poke her under eyes which made Haneul flinch.


"Now now, let's eat!" Hani exclaimed happily.

"All I remember was Jeonghan oppa telling us to let Haneul eat. He did not say anything about us eating together with her. Besides, you just ate six slices of pizza on the way here." Bani scolded.

Oppa? Haneul asked in her mind.

The twins argued after. Haneul watched as the two insult each other.

Their argument lasted for an hour. They noticed that they've been arguing when Haneul opened the door. "If you aren't going to help then please just leave. I could just take care of myself." She said with closed eyes.

"We're sorry." They stated simultaneously.

Suddenly, Bani smacked the back of Hani's head. "It's 12 pm now, you idiot! We only have 8 hours left to make Haneul look more beautiful. The fairest of them all!"

Haneul sighed and closed the door. She suddenly thought about Wonwoo. What if he forgets? What if he decides to ditch me? Things like those came to her mind.

She went to her mini fridge and took some fruits. She didn't feel like eating anything but fruits.

"Haneul! Letter for you." Bani said, handing her a letter. Haneul frowned, took it, and read it.

Dear Haneul,

Didn't catch your phone number, so here is a letter for you. I'll pick you up at 7:30 P.M. okay? See you.

Sincerely yours,

Haneul smiled making Bani and Hani curious about what's in the letter. "What does it say?" Hani asked. "Oh dear, we need to dress you up!"

"Wait, I need to take a bath."


"Do not put too much makeup on me, please." She reminded the twins while they were fixing her dress.

"Your dress is..." Bani said, pausing. "Uhmazing! Suits you perfectly!"

"Thanks, I guess."

"Now now, Hani! Do her makeup and I'll do her hair!" Bani commanded.

It was already 5 P.M. and Bani couldn't decide what kind of hair style she will do on Haneul. "You know, you can just let it stay like thi-"

"No!" Bani said, crossing her arms. "Oh, right right! I can just cut i-"

"N-no, please don't cut it." Haneul said, standing up.

"Oh dear," Hani sighed. "But trust me, it'll look great on you!"


"Turn around." Hani and Bani smiled and made Haneul turn to the full size mirror.

"Ahhhh!" Haneul ran to her bed and hid herself. "Who was that?!"

The Hani Bani twins laughed at her sillyness when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


A/N:' !

So hello readers! Unfortunately, I'm not good at this kind of things. I suck at author's note. I don't really write notes because, I'm always lazy but! To all people who read this, me lav lav youuu!

I'm sorry if this story kinda sucks. It's because I'm still young 😂 wow what a reason. BUT I will try my bestest (lol) to make better chapters!


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