Chapter Four - His Life

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Chapter Four - His Life

"Oh shocks." Haneul mumbled.

"What is it?" Wonwoo asked.

"I have to go to work!" She exclaimed running inside her room. Wonwoo chuckled at the girl and stayed outside.

"Haneul!" Someone called. Wonwoo turned around only to see Jeonghan. "Who are you?" Jeonghan trailed off.

"Oh, I'm Wonwoo." He stood up and tried to shake hands with Jeonghan but he ignored him. "Okay then."

"Where's Haneul?" Jeonghan asked.

"She's um inside preparing."

Jeonghan just nodded and knocked on the door. "Haneul, let's go. We'll be late."

"Yes! Coming!"

Haneul went out of the room. "Let's go?" She said to Jeonghan. "Bye Wonwoo! I guess I'll see you later?"

"Bye, take care!" Wonwoo smiled.

The two went ahead living Wonwoo. Wonwoo sighed and sat down again. Throwing the lollipop stick on the ground, he smiled suddenly. But realized the rooftop was not his territory so he picked up the stick and threw it in the trashcan.

"What a good day." He said with his deep voice.

Wonwoo went down to his apartment room and sat on his couch. He thought about Haneul. How she looked so nervous while talking to him on their first meeting. Soon, his phone rang.

"Hello?" He called.

"Can we order some black bean noodles?" A boy asked and he could hear some laughing in the background.

Wonwoo smirked and said, "I'm sorry I'm afraid this is KFC." Suddenly, the boy from the other line hung up.

Oh right, he's Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. He's often mistaken as a rapper because of his voice and looks but funny thing is, he's a nurse. His parents are abroad and he refused to accept the money they send him. He will either just let it stay on his bank account or tell his mom and dad to not send him anymore.

Wonwoo wanted to be a nurse since he was a little kid. He wanted to save a life. 'Doctors save lives, not nurses' people say. But according to him, a doctor wouldn't be able to save a life without the help of nurses. But being a nurse isn't something that would make him super happy. When his patient passes away, he would feel like he didn't do enough.

"People leave when it's their time." He read the quote that was pasted on the wall.

Again, his phone rang. But this time it was from his co-worker. "Hello?"

"Wonwoo, this is emergency. Go to the hospital right now. Mrs. Park is at it again. She refuse to take her medicines and get injection. Go here asap."

"Okay okay." Wonwoo said and hung up.


"She has gone crazy!" Dr. Kim exclaimed looking so stressed. "She doesn't like anyone touching or talking to her but you." Then he walked out.

He entered room 1717 only to see 3-4 nurses trying to calm Mrs. Park down and 2 nurses putting some rope on her hands and feet.

"Do not tie her." He stated.

"But she's hurting people physically!" The other one exclaimed.

"I'm here now. You can leave."

And they left. It was just Wonwoo and Mrs. Park now. "Mrs. Park." He called.

"Wonwoo!" She called back. "Wonwoo my son!"

Mrs. Park has this time where she would go crazy. She would think that Wonwoo is her son. She would shoo everyone away except for Wonwoo. "They're treating me like I'm crazy."

"Mrs. Park, you need to drink medicines and get injection." Wonwoo smiled.

"Where is Haneul and her long haired friend?" Mrs. Park looked behind him. "Why aren't they here? They forgot about me!" She gasped.

Wonwoo sighed. "Haneul is working right now. And you need to take the medicines now, Mrs. Park."

After 15 minutes of convincing and calming Mrs. Park, she gave in. Wonwoo watched as she slowly falls asleep. He sat on the couch and throwing his head back, he sighed. This was his life. Taking care of people you don't really know or people not related to you. But he likes taking care of people so what's the point of complaining?

He didn't notice the door opened. "Wonwoo, is she okay now? If yes, you can leave."


"Yes mom, I get it." Wonwoo said frustratingly on the phone. "And no I don't need money. Just use that for your date with dad or something."

"Okay bye."

He entered the cafe and went to the counter. "Hello, can I order some frappé?" He said while digging into his wallet. "Her-Haneul?"

"Oh? Wonwoo!" The girl smiled.

"Didn't know you work here." Wonwoo smiled back. "I thought you work in a bookshop or something."

Haneul chuckled and punched his order on the counter. "One frappé." She said on the mic. "Anyway, talk to you later."

Wonwoo just nodded and waited for his order. When it arrived, he sat on the empty chair and read the newspaper that was placed on the table. He liked reading news and even answer the crossword puzzles. He finished his frappé and didn't know why he was still there.

The boy just watched Haneul smile at the customers. And everytime Haneul would catch him looking at her, she would just smile. Suddenly, Jeonghan appeared.

"It's go home time now, Haneul." He smiled. "It's your half day today."

"I didn't notice the time." Haneul chuckled making Jeonghan ruffle her hair.

"Are they dating?" Wonwoo murmured.

"Wonwoo? What are you still doing here?" He jumped slightly on his seat when Haneul spoke.

"Waiting for um you?" He seriously had no idea why he was still there. "I'll take her home rocker guy. Besides we live in the same building."

"Rocker guy?" Jeonghan said. "I'm Jeonghan. I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier."

"No problem bro." Wonwoo said taking Haneul's stuff from her making her looked so surpised. "I'll take her home now."


"Why are you so nice to me?" Haneul asked out of the blue.

They were at the rooftop again with Haneul's things beside her. She still hasn't entered her room yet.

"Because," Wonwoo started. "being nice is what I do."

"That doesn't make sense." Haneul laughed. "I mean people usually stay away from me because I'm not much of a talker but here you are, talking to me as if we met 10 years ago."

"I have nobody else to talk to, that's why." He stated looking at the sky. "And you seem nice and smart."

"Smart, huh?"

"Yeah." He beamed. "Anyway, I have to go now. You should rest."

"Okay." Haneul stood up. "It was nice talking to you!"

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