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A/N: see end for notes
Tony placed his hands on the container, observing it, studying it. He treated it far better then he did with Bruce, washing the container that seemed to hold the most dangerous thing Ultron had created. Steve had no idea he had it, or that he was implanting JARVIS into whatever is inside. Rogers is to busy saving Natasha. Tony had never liked Natasha, not after she tricked him. He preferred Aunt Peggy better, she treated him nicely, and never called him Ironass. Oh he knew how angry Steve will be, Clint doesn't care, he's trying to contact Natasha through Morris Code, and he seemed to be getting a slight signal, but it's faint. Wanda and Pietro went with Steve, dropping off Clint then driving the Quinjet away.
So what, they don't come back until several hours later, JARVIS will be fully uploaded by then.
"Could you stop that clicking?" Ultron growled, annoyed at the constant noise Natasha was making.
"It's better then me escaping and ruining your plan." She replied, the same snarky attitude she used with Clint.
Again Ultron ignored her, choosing to work then remove the clicking noise.
"Steve, Stark is trying to activate the package." Wanda warned as they were nearing Avengers Tower.
"He used your time searching for Natalia to program what ever is inside." Pietro added, preferring to use Natasha's Russian name.
Steve's face hardened and he pushed the Quinjet faster. "He mustn't activate it, Natasha worked to hard to stabilize it to have Stark mess with things he doesn't understand again.
"95% complete."
Steve burst through the doors, obviously angry. Tony paid no mind, but he was about to be dead.
Picking Tony up by the collar of his shirt, Steve held him from the ground, the scientist squirming in the Super-Soldier's grasp.
"No!" He gasped. "It's almost complete! I just need that plug to be on!"
"Oh, you mean this plug," Pietro held up a large wire, and snapped it in two,"shame it had not been plugged in."
Tony started muttering something Steve couldn't hear, but he must have been signaling his suit as Steve narrowly escaped being punched by an iron arm. He had dropped Stark in the progress, Bruce cowering behind the computers, the twins about to strike at Tony if things went south.

Sparks burst from nowhere as Thor landed, burning a hole in the ceiling, lightning following soon after.
"Thor no!" Steve yelled, but it was to late, Thor had summoned lightning. The white plasma landed on the package, sending a gust of strong wind, blowing the group away.
The package shook once, then burst out a red figure, aiming straight at Thor and heading towards the window.
Thoughts pooled through the thing's head and Wanda leaned on her brother for support.

The figure turned....

And on its face was no robot...

It looked human....
A/N: thanks for waiting for this chapter, first week of school is over and things might get harder, so again, be prepared for less chapters coming out.


           Happy Reading!
               ~Forever RedWind

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