One: "You're just a wimpy little girl."

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Max's P.O.V

I know that I'm not the typical girl and I'm happy about it. In my old school I was in the girls football team but as soon as I got too good, coach Parker stuck me in the boys team. The boys hated me because it's clear: a girl can't do boys sports in this society. My mother made me switch schools because I became depressed and started to smoke. She even made us move to another town, so I had to leave my boyfriend back in Texas to move to Pennsylvania. My mother knows me too well and already asked my old coach to talk to the new schools coach, so I can get into the boys team there.

Right now I'm on my way to my new school. The school is pretty far away from my house but I still can take my bike without getting too sweaty, not that I mind to sweat but you have to look good on your first day. I set my bike next to the others and lock it to the gate, as I look at the other students. Some have an annoyed expression on their face and ignore me, as I step in the huge hallway crowded with unfriendly teenagers. Right away I can see the different squads and personalities. There are the bitches with their posseys, the nerds, the nice looking girls, the people with talents, the fuckboys and the jocks. I take my phone out and look at the screen. Michael, my boyfriend, wrote me a text.

Have a great first day xx Love you

I reply right away.

I won't have a great day. xx Love u 2

I make my way to my locker. The school already send me my schedule and training times and all the stuff I need to know. School started about 2 months ago and everyone has their friends collected. It's rare that I could switch schools now, usually I had to wait for christmas break. I find my locker and open it to put some of my books in there. As I step back to close my locker, some guy slams my locker shut. He has blonde dyed hair and blue eyes. He's a jock, maybe from the football team. I don't know and don't want to because he looks like a fuckboy. He smirks at me, as I put my schedule in my bag.

"So you new here?", he asks with an Irish accent.

"Yes, I am. now leave me alone. I have to go to class now", I answer and go to my first class.


I take my bag to lunch with me because I don't trust the people here. There are a lot of nice people in my classes but no one really showed interest to be my friend. I'd love to find some friends. In Texas I had a few friends and with that I mean like 3 people. I know Michael, Rena and Elena since primary school and Michael's been my boyfriend for almost 7 months. My mother loves him. She always wanted me and Mikey to be a couple because his parents are rich and Mikey seems to have a good future with his studying but my mother doesn't know that he wants to be famous with his band. They're called 5 Seconds Of Summer and make Punk-Pop-Rock kinda music.

"I'm so sorry", a girl exclaims as she runs into me, spilling a little bit of her water on me.

"It's okay, just water", I smile at her.

She smiles at me nicely.

"I'm Missy."

"I'm Maxine but Max is okay", I smile.

"You're new here, aren't you? Come sit with me", she says.

I nod and follow her to a table next to the jocks table. Maybe she's a cheerleader? I don't mind if she is but I really hope she isn't a bitch. We sit down next to each other. The girls at the table both look at me.

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