Thirty-two: "Oh, I will have a talk with him."

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Since my leg and four ribbs are broken, I have to stay here for three days. I will have surgery in two hours because my leg and ribbs won't heal on their own. I will get screws and metal plates on my bones. My mom sits next to my bed. Niall still didn't show up. My mom told me he would come sometime soon.

"So, how is the pain?", she asks.

"It's okay since I've got the pain reliever but I won't be able to do sports or football for two months."

"That's really sad...", my mom says.

I nod. There's a knock on the door. My mom calls for the person to enter. I look at the door and see my doctor enter the room. He has a small crew of other doctors behind him, entering the room.

"Hello, Max. Are you ready? Some surgeries were cancelled, so we could let you go a little earlier", my doctor tells me.

"Yeah, I'm ready", I smile at him.

"I love you, Max", my mom speaks, as I get pushed out of the room.

The nurses push me into a room filled with empty beds. My doctor gets on some gloves and the rest of his gear. I try to calm myself down. Everything will be okay.

"We'll help you out of your shirt, okay?", one of the nurses asks.

"Yeah, thanks."

One of the two nurses helps me sit up, the other pulls my shirt off of me. I just sit there in my sports bra and my shorts my mother brought me. I really hope everything will heal up again. The nurse lays me back down. She pokes a needle in my arm, so the stuff that knocks me out can be put in my systhem.

"Goodnight", she says, as soon as she connects it to the shot, putting the stuff in my systhem.

After a few seconds, my sight gets blurry. The last thing I see before I knock out is the doctor's face.


Tears flow down my face, as I wake up. The pain shoots through my body. I open my eyes, looking right at my mom. She has my hand in hers.

"Shhh, Max, it's okay. Calm down", she speaks.

I try to calm down and actually can calm down. My mom smiles at me with pitty in her eyes. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Come in", my mom shouts.

The door opens to reveal Missy. She walks up to my bed. Her eyes are red and puffy.

"Hey", I try to smile but it comes out as a "hrrr".

"Hi, you look pretty bad", she smiles slightly.

"Thanks", I laugh a little, feeling the pain take over my cheast area.

I wince in pain, causing my mom to jump in her seat slightly. Where is Niall actually? He said he would come by. My eyes wander to the clock next to my bed. It's 1am. My operation took two and a half hours and the game ended at eight for me, so I'm already here for five hours and Niall still couldn't come here for me? Even his sister did find the time at 1am to visit me. Actually visiting times end at 5pm but I bet since I'm here for the first day, they let Missy slip in. She pulls up a chair next to my bed.

"I'm going to go home, Max. I need to work tomorrow. Harold will visit you tomorrow. I love you", my mom smiles at me.

"Okay, love you", I say.

As soon as she leaves the room, I turn my attention to Missy.

"Missy, why did you cry?", I ask slightly worried.

"I was so worried about you", she says but I can tell she's lying.

"Stop lying and tell me the truth."

She gulps. Her eyes get watery again.

"Niall has a very short temper, so after you left with the ambulance, they finished the game and lost. He was really pissy and didn't even come up to me and get a hug like he ususally does after every game. Daniel and me waited in front of the locker room to get Niall and drive to the hospital to see you. We waited for ages but Niall didn't apear, so Daniel decided to go inside and look for Niall. It turned out that Niall slipped past us to the rivals locker room. He got into a huge fight with the guy who knocked you down but we don't know the reason they were arguing. They beat each other up. Niall told Daniel to stay away from me. Niall draged me to his car with blood running down his nose and a huge cut across his lip an bruises forming on his face. When we arrived at home, he totally flipped, throwing plates and glasses around. My mom and I locked ourselves into my room to stay safe from him."

I gulp. Never would I have thought about Niall being so agressive.

"He then drank the liquor from my mom and passed out on the sofa sleeping. When he woke up for a short time, he started screaming at me and hit me. I decided to drive to the hospital. The nurses tried to keep me away but I told them I needed to see you. My mom is staying in a motel over night, so Niall can calm down on his own."

"I would've never thought of Niall being like that. He is such a nice guy", I say, trying not to cry from what she told me.

"I know... I just hope you never have to experiance that", she cries.

"I would hug you now but I can't", I say.

"It's okay."


Niall didn't show up the whole time I was in the hospital, two weeks... The doctors gave me crutches, a cast around my leg and a corset that holds my ribbs in place when I walk. I still have a huge amount of pain but I just have to go to school. Bruises are all over my body and I even have one on my neck which looks like a hickey because I bumped my neck on my helmet that day. The doctors, nurses and me at least had something to laugh at. Harold drove me to school today. Missy, Nia and Bella said they would help me through the day. Missy takes my bag, as I try to walk up the stairs of the main entrance.

"Niall is with Troy, Louis and Harry at his locker. You should go have a talk with Niall", Nia says.

"Oh, I will have a talk with him."

"I told him you won't be here today, so you could see his reaction when you walk up to him", Bella smirks.

"That's my girl", Missy laughs.

As soon as we're on the top of the stairs, Missy gives me my backpack back. They already got my books before I came here. I'm lucky to have such good friends.

"See you later at lunch", they tell me.

I smile at them and walk to Niall's locker. People move out of my way, so I can get through the hallway. They all have pitty in their eyes. Probably because of my injuries but I really don't care right now. As soon as I see the blonde boy pushing some girl up against his locker, one of my crutches falls from my hand. He is not doing that to me, not after what happened and not after almost three weeks of us being together.

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