Eightteen: "I'll see you there."

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I pull my hair up in a ponytail, as I change back into my normal clothes. Practise was really intense and hard today. We had to do some strength workout. Niall and I haven't spoken for two days. I really don't understand his problem with me. Before the thing with Amanda happened, he was all nice and friendly with me. Today at practise he pushed me again and called me names. Missy told me Niall wasn't like that before I came to this school. It's my fault, that Niall got this bipolar. I'm sorry for even coming here at all. Christmas is in about two weeks. Christmas brake starts in two weeks and I'm not ready for it. It's been raining since yesterday. I still have to walk home. My car broke down yesterday and my mother works at Mrs Horans office now, so she can't pick me up. Bella and Nia both drive with the bus and Missy always drives home with daniel. I don't like to be the third wheel. Niall and his friends don't talk to me anymore because Niall forbid it to them. Like really, are we in 7th grade? The bus doesn't stop at my house or near my house, so I have to walk. Walking isn't that bad but in the rain, it's so cold and gross. My walk is about 30 minutes long.

I get my jacket on and take my backpack, so I can leave. As soon as I'm out of my little dressing room, everyone looks at me. Their eyes watch me like cameras.

"Goodbye Manning", Niall spits annoyed.

I leave without saying anything. My earphone blast some Metal music, as I walk home. Rain drops down on my hood. It's ice-cold. My hands lay in my jacket pockets but still they are cold. My face feels like needles poke in my skin when rain drizzles on it. The wind blows in my face along with the rain.

"Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel my heart?", Oliver sings.

Well, Niall obviously can't. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. My heart stops for a split second. I take my earphones out and turn around. Niall's eyes burn holes in my eyes.

"What do you want?", I ask.

"Do you need a ride home?", he asks.

"No", I answer.

He holds out his hand. My eyes find his blue ones again.

"Come on, it's pouring. I don't want you to get sick. I'll drive you home. Amanda's in the car. She also doesn't want you to get sick", he says.

"Fine but you'll just throw me out at home", I groan.

We walk to his car and I get in in the back. Amanda sits on the passenger seat in front of me. She looks at me.

"Hello, Max", she smiles.

"Hi", I say.

Niall drives into my road soon and stops at my house.

"Thanks for driving me home", I tell Niall.

"No problem", he smiles.

"Niall, you wanted to tell something to Max", Amanda tells Niall pretty demanding, as I open the car door.

"Oh, yeah. Uhm... Max, I'm sorry for telling you the things about my friends. Of course you can still be friends with them. I just overreacted because I thought you're taking my friends away. Harry is my best friend and since you told him what happened, he ignored me. It's okay when you meet up with them sometimes but remember I'm your friend, too, and you can tell me everything", Niall speaks.

"Yeah, okay. I forgive you."

I get out of the car and walk to my house.

"And Max, my Mom really likes your Mom", Niall shouts out of the car window.

I go inside. I hang my jacket up, take my shoes off and go into the kitchen.


Dear Max,

we invite you to our Christmas party on December 25th 8:15pm.

Every year, we have a party on this date. The whole football team and the cheerleaders will be there. The party will be at Niall's place.

Of course on Christmas we give eachother presents but you can't buy over 30 presents, so we will have everyone pick a name out of a bowl today at practise. It's top secret, who picks who and on the party you can tell the person that you gave them the present.

-Your boys :)

I look at harry. He smiles at me, his dimples showing.

"So, picking the names will be now?", I ask.

"You're getting the last name out of the bowl because I forgot to give you this yesterday and you left before the picking", Harry grins, scratching his neck.

"It's okay", I laugh.

He gives me my piece of paper. I decide to open it in my car.

"I'll see you there", Harry smiles.

"Bye, Harry. Have a nice week before Christmas", I smile.

So, seems like I have to get the present for my secret person today. Christmas brake starts today. The last two weeks my days were that I went to school and after school, I went home to learn. Christmas is in three days. It will be so stressing to get a present now. My car finally works again, so I don't have to walk or drive with Niall and Amanda. My mother is more than happy with her job. As soon as I sit in my car, I take the piece of paper and open it.

Niall Horan

I groan. Great, as if I couldn't have thought of that. I drive to the mall. What can you buy for someone who already has everything? He has everything! He has an expensive car, an expensive wardrobe and an expensive live. He always wears the newest stuff. He even bought Amanda a very expensive watch from Rolex. I can't believe how rich he is. Maybe Niall would like some bandmerch or maybe a new pair of shoes. I don't have a lot of money but it could be enough for that stuff. My way leads to Hot Topic. I get him a My Chemical Romance shirt and a Dropdead beanie. I just hope he likes it.

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