Thirty: "Believe what you can, smally-dick."

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Nia, Bella and Missy tackle me with questions, as I tell them about the things that happened yesterday.

"How did he do it?", Missy asks.

"What did he say?", Bella ads.

"Did he treat you like a lady?", Nia smiles.

"Stop, girls", I chuckle, "Coach Patrick threw me out of the team for two weeks and then I left because he sent me home. I sat in the back of Niall's truck and waited for him. He then told me he forgot something in the locker rooms. We went back and the boys stood in three rows, each of them holding a white lilly. Two of them held a banner saying: Max, be my girlfriend? Of course I had to say yes."

Missy hugs me to her body, ripping the other two with her to hug me.

"I'm so happy", Missy squeals, as she lets me go.

Suddenly warm arms wrap around my waist. A kiss is pressed to my cheek. This is what I wanted for so long. Nia, Bella and Missy leave to get to their classes smirking. Niall turns me around, a huge genue smile on his face.

"Hey, babe", he smiles.

I cringe at the name. Michael always used to call me that.

"Did I do something wrong? You just tensed up", Niall asks worried.

"It's okay, just Michael used to call me babe. It just makes me upset, no biggy", I answer smiling.

"Okay, Cutie", he kisses my cheek.

I laugh slightly at the nickname. Niall kisses my nose and we leave to get to Maths class in time. I sit down with Niall next to me. He lays his feet on my thighs over the space between us.

"Niall, take them down", I laugh.

He doesn't listen to me but talks with Troy, who sits in front of him. I wait for him to stop talking but he talks and talks and talks but doesn't stop at all.

"Niall", I say quite annoyed.

He continues his conversation with Troy until the teacher enters the room.

"Niall take your feet off of me", I whisper-shout at him.

Niall shakes his head, listening to Miss Trisha. She explains something about Geometry but I ignore her, doodling on my notebook. I draw footballs, butterflies and some other stuff. I can't draw but I love to doodle.

The bell rings to lunch. Thank god, I thought I would die in Chemistry with Nia. We had to mix up some chemicals and we both got a headache from the smell. Turns out that we almost killed our class and burned down the school. Oops! Missy and Daniel sit at a table with Daniel's friends from the basketball team. The other two girls sit at the football-table with their boyfriends. There is no chair left for me but why? We usually fit perfectly around the two tables and also have one seat free because Missy sits with Daniel. My eyes scan the people sitting at the table. There she is, the bitch personally with Logan sitting next to her. Why the fuck are those two fuck-ups sitting at our football-table? The two sit between Niall and Harry. Amanda next to Niall and Logan next to Harry. Niall shots me a look, as if he's calling for help. I shrug my shoulders clueless. Troy and Harry now look at me, too.

"Do something", Harry mouths.

"What should I do?", I mouth.

"Get them out of here", Niall finally breaks the ice.

I walk over to them and tap their shoulders. They turn around, looking at me with an annoyed expression. Oh, how much money I would pay to smack them to Pluto.

"Could you please remove your ugly and dirty asses off of my place?", I smile friendly.

Amanda huffs while Logan just smirks. They turn back around and continue their conversation. I hate when people do that. It just makes me want to smack them harder.

"I said, move your asses", I say.

They still don't listen to me, so I take my tray and set it down in front of them, getting some glares from other tables.

"Move, now!", I hiss at them.

Logan gets up and turns to me. His face only a few inches from my face. I feel his bad breath on my skin.

"How about no?", he smirks.

"No", I say flatly.

"Just sit in the bathroom like you should as a loser, Miss I'll-throw-out-some-guy-from-the-team-to-get-in", he growls.

"I didn't throw you out of the team. If you wouldn't have showed me your tiny penis and tried to get me to sleep with you, you may be still on the team. It isn't my fault", I say .

"Yes, it is! If you would've said yes to my plead, we would both be on the team. So afterall it's all your fault."

"Believe what you can, smally-dick", I grin.

Suddenly I feel him push me backwards into a empty table and chair. He hits me with his fist, takes Amanda and leaves me laying on the floor. Niall runs after Logan, pulling him in his direction.

"What the fuck is your problem, Logan?", Niall shouts through the whole cafeteria.

Now everyone is silently watching them. Amanda steps back from the boys, almost running into some girls. Logan smirks at Niall. Suddenly I feel blood on my hand. Nia reaches me a tissue but still watches Niall and Logan.

"Answer me!", Niall demands.

"She was being unfriendly to me", Logan smirks.

"Shut up you fucking bastard! That gives you no right to hit her and make her feel bad", Niall says.

Logan shrugs and leaves with Amanda by his side. I walk towards Niall, still holding my tissue under my nose, trying to stop the bleeding. He looks at my nose and kisses it slightly.

"It's not broken but he still hurt my girl", he says.

"It's okay."

We sit down together continuing our lunch break with eating and chatting with the others.

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