Thirty-one: "And you're just a cocky little bastard."

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"Have you got the answer to question number four?", I ask Niall.

"Yeah, I think it's Hitler because he was the one who started all the shit in Germany", he answers.

"Yes, that's right but what happened to the NSDAP?"

"They were forbidden."

"Very good. We can take a break now", I smile.

Niall stands up. He leaves his room. We've been learning for his History test for three hours now. It's about 7:00pm. We came to his house right after school. I will stay overnight. It's Friday and my mother and Harold are at their friends' place. Niall and I turned up the radio for learning and The One That Got Away is on now. This song means a lot to me. I don't know why but I love this song, even though I listen to Deathmetal. Niall soon comes back with two bottles of water in his hands.

"Thanks", I smile, as he reaches me one.

"No problem."

"I'd say you're prepared for your test. We could finish up for today but tomorrow we have to review everything, so you don't forget", I say.

"Okay, Cutie", he smiles and kisses my cheek.

I sit down on his bed with him because the floor got a little too hard for me. He takes a sip of his water, before pulling me on his lap, like always. A small kiss is placed to my nose. He smiles.

"I'm so lucky to have you after all the shit I've done", he whispers.

I kiss his cheek. My lips are dressed with a smile, as he lays his arms around my waist. I have my hands in my lap again, playing with the sleeves of my sweater. I wear too many hoodies and sweaters but this is the sweater Niall gave me for my birthday. It's special to me.

"I mean it, Max. I thought you were mad at me for bullying you and being together with Amanda. You're the only one I ever wanted. The day I saw you, I actually started liking you. You're so pretty and smart and as a bonus you play football like a pro. Even if I get all the fame for being the Quarterback, you're actually the star. You're the fucking Runningback. Your job is so hard and still you can do it. You're even better than Troy and he's a really good Runningback. Even Coach Patrick loves you and how you play", Niall smiles.

"Thank you. But without you, there wouldn't be any touchdowns."

He smiles at me. I hug him to me and fall over onpurpose, so we lay next to each other. Niall turns me around, so he can spoon me. I cuddle up to his cheast. He plays with my hands, as we just lay there. I fucking love this boy but I'm too scared to actually say "I love you" to him. It's just way too early. I once heard that when you like someone for over 4 months, it's love and I slowly think I really love Niall. He's just so perfect.

"I love being with you, Max. You're so perfect."

"Same to you", I smile.

Niall kisses my head. His lips lay on my neck a little. I smile to myself. The radio plays some shitty Pop-song by Justin Bieber. Not that I don't like him but his old songs are so terrible. Niall gets up and turns it off. He lays back down behind me. His arm lays around my waist. This feels so good.


Missy lays a pancake on my plate. Niall's still taking a shower, so I decided to go see Missy. Niall and I want to go to the refugees later. I'm so excited to see Najey, Nolo and Lila again. Niall told me that Joel would like me to come by sometimes to entertain the 5 to 10 year old children. Abi does stuff with the older children. I love helping them out. Niall's such a great person. He helps them and they all love him, especially Najey. I love this boy.

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