Nine: "Why should I let go a whore?"

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Now that football season is over and snow is laying all over the field, we can't train anymore. Usually as soon as November starts, we need to train in the gym and lift weights and stuff but Coach Patrick can't be at school today, so Niall is doing the training. He's been letting us run about 10 rounds around the gym and I can tell you, I will never walk again.

"So, just line up. We're doing some yoga", Niall smirks.

All the boys groan, while I just try to catch my fucking breath because of Niall. I hate him for letting us run.

"First you get on your knees and put your hands on the floor, so you are like a table. Next step is to get off of your knees and stick your butt in the air. We're holding that for 5 minutes."

We all do as we are told and get into that yoga position. It's not good for me because my shirt is lose and slides to my boobs, so my stomach is exposed. Niall checks if we are positioned right. As soon as he comes to me, he grabs my shirt and tucks it in at the front of my pants. After that, he pulls my waist up more and lays one hand on my butt, to push me down with my hands more to the floor, so I have my weight balanced differently.

"Stop touching my butt", I whisper, as someone starts to laugh.

"Sorry but I can't", he exclaims.

"You can", I shout.

Niall takes his hand away from my butt but stays right beside me. As no one looks up, Niall runs of to the toilets. He's got a hard one. I start laughing, as Troy chimes in.

"Oh my god, Max! How did you give him a hard one?", Louis says.

"I don't know", I smile laughing.

"Niall never had a hard on in public", Harry exclaims laughing as well.

About 15 minutes later Niall comes back but we all stopped the yoga position after about two minutes after he left. His hard one is now gone. Ew, he got himself off in the boys toilets, ew!

"Training is over."

We all try not to laugh at him, as we see him with a red face and an angry expression. The boys leave to get changed, while Niall holds on to my arm, so I can't leave.

"Do not under all circumstances wear those pants again, okay?", he says.

My eyes tear up from holding in my laughter. Niall lets me go, so I can go to the locker rooms and get dressed. I get my clothes and see Logan enter the locker room. He goes to his booth and gets his shower stuff. I quickly change into my stuff. As soon as I want to leave, Logan comes out of the shower with only a towel around his torso. He smirks at me.

"Waiting for someone?", he asks, as I put my hair in a bun.

"No", I answer and look over to him.

"Maybe for me?", he smirks and lets his towel fall down.

My eyes dart to his face. Please don't let anything happen now. I just want to leave and forget what I just saw.

"I have to go", I squeal and take my bag as fast as I can.

After I get away from Logan, I begin to walk home because I think Niall's pissed off because of me and won't drive me home. I put some music on and put my headphones over my ears. Some shitty pop song rings through my ears. I don't even realize that I walk past my house, so I have to turn back. My mother opens the door for me. She smiles brightly. We hug each other before I go in the house, turning the music off and throwing my bag on the ground.

"Max, I have to tell you something", my mom smiles, as we sit down in the living room.

"Yeah, what's up, mom?"

"Harold and I have been talking about him moving in with us. We finally decided that it would be a great time now for him to move in. Harold just wants your appreciation", she says calmly.

"Yeah! He needs to move in here today or even tomorrow! I love Harold, he's cool and funny", I cheer.

Mom smiles at me happily, as I tell her that. She even sheds a tear.

"I love you, mom."


Niall pushes me against a locker, as I walk past him. His face is full of anger. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is he still mad because of the thing that happened two days ago? He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Let me go", I say.

"Why should I let go a whore? I know what you did. He told me. It's just gross! How could you? He's my team mate!", Niall shouts.

Everyone looks at us. What is he talking about?

"Your team mate? I'm in your fucking team, too! And what are you talking about?", I ask.

Niall huffs. He comes closer to my face with his face. I push him away a little but he's in my face a few seconds later.

"You know exactly what I mean, whore! He fucked you in the locker room? How gross can you be? I'm throwing you out of my team! Now get out of my sight", Niall says and pushes me into the lockers harder.

I walk away to my class. Too bad, that I have this class with Niall. Missy, Nia and Bella stand at Missy's locker, so I go to them.

"Hey girls", I smile.

They all give me a judgmental look and turn back to their conversation. What is wrong with everybody? Niall throws me out of the team, my friends ignore me. What did I do? Nothing. As I walk to my locker, everyone gives me bad looks. I get my stuff out and leave for class. It's strange that everyone hates me from one day to the other. Maybe I should just go home and tell my teachers I'm sick. I put all my stuff back and leave to drive home.

When I arrive at my house, I just stay in the car. I watch the butterfly, which sits on the porch, fly away. I didn't have sex a long time, nor did anyone fuck me in the locker room. The only thing that happened two days ago was, that Logan showed me his dick and wanted to get me to have sex with him. That little bastard Logan!

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