Fourty: "You're such a baby."

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Niall trows a football in my direction and I actually catch it. I throw it back and continue watching the boys. It's the end of March, so practise is outside again. It was too before but since it rained so often, we did more inside but now they're training outside the whole time because the girls Volleyball team needs the gym. My eyes wander back to Niall, as he throws a few passes with Troy. Niall has an impressing biceps and triceps. He has a slight sixpack and well trained legs. He's just perfect. His looks, his personality and his smile are my world. My thought are snapped by Coach Patrick walking up my way, having a smile dress his lips. He sits down next to me on the grass next to the field. My back is pressed against the bleachers.

"How are you doing, Max? I heard your doctor said your leg and ribbs are healing up pretty well", he tells me from what I told Niall and Harry.

"Yes, it is getting better. He says I'll defnitly be healthy again when College starts, so I can play football again but he said he couldn't tell me when I would be able to walk without crutches", I answer.

"Okay but make sure you tell us soon enough."

I nod and continue watching my boyfriend throw a wide pass to Harry.

"Niall's been doing great for three weeks. So you know what's up with him?"

Coach Patrick still doesn't know that Niall and I are together and it's better that way. He'd throw us both out uf the team in seconds.

"I don't know but it's amazing how good he got", I say.

"Yeah, so practise is over, I'll just go tell the boys", Coach smiles.

I nod and hold my ears closed as he tells them that they can leave. Niall helps me up from the ground and Harry reaches me my crutches. Niall walks beside me, so I'm not that alone. I follow them into the changing room, getting my backpack from my place and sitting down on the bench in the middle of the room. I wait for Niall to get done. Maybe we should talk about Coach Patrick and decide whether or not to tell him about us. I know that it would be risky but why not? Niall's doing great on the team and I don't think Coach would throw him out. He's a too important player. The next game is on Friday. I'm going to be the second Coach and motivational speaker. Coach asked me before practise.

"Do you want to catch something to eat before we go to your place?", Niall ripps me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head and get up, throwing my bag over my shoulders and taking my crutches in both hands. Harry and Troy both give me a hug before Niall and I leave. We walk up to his car. He's back at it again with his BMW because his pick up is at the mechanics. Niall helps me inside, putting my crutches in the back. We soon arrive at my place. My mom isn't there but Harold is. He's been home a lot lately. Maybe he got fired. I just hope he didn't. We need the money, even though mom get's a lot of money from Mrs Horan. I open the door and stumble in. I'm so clumsy walking with crutches.

"Careful, Max, don't want you get hurt", Niall chuckles slightly.

We walk to my room, where I sit down on my bed, pulling my leg up and leaning my back against the headboard. Niall sits down in front of me. I smile at him. Why am I so lucky to have him?


"Come on, Max. I just want a single kiss", Niall grins at me.

He sits between my legs, trying to get me to give him a kiss or two. We've been playing around a little since Harold went to work. He was just having a longer lunch break than usual.

"No, Niall. Why do you want one? It's nothing special", I smirk at him, playing with his sweater collar.

"Because I want to have one to show everyone that you're my girlfriend."

"But no one's here."

"Okay, I want a kiss because I want to show you how much I like you."

"So you like me?", I say.

I watch him pull me to him by my hips. He tries to kiss me but I pull my face away. Niall frowns at me a little. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"There, your kiss", I laugh.

"But I wanted one on the lips", he pouts.

"You're such a baby."

"Cutie, just give me my kiss and I'll do anything you want."



I pull Niall to me by his shirt collar. As soon as his lips touch mine, I close my eyes and kiss him back. Kissing Niall really makes my stomach explode with butterfies. He pushes his toung into my mouth, letting me groan a little. We part from each other too soon.

"You're amazing, Max."

"You're the best boyfriend ever. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Niall stands up from my bed, getting his phone from his backpack. We snap a few goofie and nice pictures together. We often do this when we are together. It's pretty fun. Niall needs to get going soon, so I bring him to the door, setting my crutches asside, so I can hug and kiss him like when I'm not hurt. I let him step in front of me. He steps to me as close as he can, his chest touching mine. Niall leans down a bit, so I can kiss him easier. I lay my arms around his neck and he lays his around my waist. We give each other a short kiss. I hug Niall as tight as I can. I really don't want him to go home but he has to. Niall kisses my head.

"I'll pick you up again tomorrow", he smiles.


Niall kisses me one more time before letting me go and walking to his car. I really love this boy.

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